Chapter 48

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|Bucky's POV|

I get out of the school and look around in hopes of finding Steve. But there are no signs of the blonde. Goddammit...

I quickly cross the school parking lot before starting to walk back home. I get lost in my thoughts. When I'm halfway home, I take my phone out of my black pants pocket and dial Nat's phone number. It rings two times. I sigh before ending the call once again and trying a third time.

Pick up for God's sake!!

Natasha finally picks up on the third ringing.

-"Nat?" I let out

-"Yes it's me. Sorry, I was busy washing the dishes" Natasha tells me

-"It's fine. I have something to tell you..." I say before telling her about Steve's long sleeve t-shirt and then when I confronted him in the hallway. I tell her everything. Once I told her everything that happened, I feel a weight get off my chest.

-"Wow... That escalated quickly..." Natasha lets out on the other side of the phone.

-"Yeah, I know..." I sigh

-"I don't know what to do... Do I tell Steve's mom about his wrists? Do I not tell her about it and try to talk to Steve beforehand? Oh God I hate this..." Natasha mumbles

-"Me too, me too..." I huff, running my hand on my sweaty forehead.

-"Anyways, don't worry, we'll figure it out. I'll try to talk to Steve tomorrow at school. You, try to stay as far away from him as possible. I know I'm asking you a lot but it's for the greater good" she tells me softly

-"Alright, thanks Nat" I say

-"You're welcome. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts with me, even if it's very late at night" she adds

-"Of course, bye Nat" I say before ending the call.

I put my phone back in my pocket before heading back home, head in the clouds.


|Steve's POV|

-"Can I have another one please?" I ask the barman. The guy looks at me before sighing loudly.

-"You aren't even old enough..." he tries to change my mind.

-"C'mon man... and I thought you were a nice guy..." I let out, almost falling off the high stool I'm sitting on beside the bar counter.

-"Why did I agree to do this again..?" the barman sighs.

-"You saw a pathetic broken sixteen years old boy walk into your bar and you decided to help him get momentarily rid of his problems" I let out slowly

-"Mmm..." the barman says "I still won't give you another beer. Look at you, you're not even able to sit down properly"

-"Fine... You're no fun..." I groan before taking my head in my hands.

-"Heartbreak?" the barman asks me suddenly. I put my hands down before staring at the guy.

-"Yep" I chuckle "Does that allow me to get another beer?" I ask, hopeful.

-"Nope" the barman smiles fondly at me.

-"Dammit..." I say, hitting the counter with my hands. The barman laughs before drying another glass of wine with his towel.

I stare at him for a moment, interested in watching him do his job. At some point, he lifts his eyes towards me as he must have felt my gaze on him.

-"What?" he asks me

Stucky highschool AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora