Chapter 7: Things escalated Quickly

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Chapter 7: Things escalated quickly

"Harry," said Hermione once I entered through the Fat Lady's portrait hole. "Um, about what we talked earlier today... Well, I think I know what you should_" She saw the smile on my blushing face. "Oh, I guess you already knew what to do..." She winked. "But come on... tell me EVERYTHING!"

"Um, Hermione, this is rather private, you know." I can't keep my eyes on her without getting redder.

"He kissed you?" She asked excitedly.

"Well, I did it."

Her jaw dropped. "Oh my stars, I never thought that you would be the one to make the first move!"

"And why is that then?"

"Oh, you know I meant no offence. It's just, when I pictured it in my mind it was Malfoy who made the first move. He just seems more dominant. No offence but you got admit it."

"Seems like you spend so much time thinking about this..."

"Because I am always worried about you, idiot. But now, it seems like you've finally known what you want and what you should do. I am so happy for you, Harry." She pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Thanks, Hermione. Without your help, I'd still be in denial."

"Mmm, Harry. I want to talk you about something else too. Ginny has been complaining to me lately that you're ignoring her completely."

"Yes I am."

"But, Harry, she's your friend! Even if you broke up with her, she's still your friend."

"She cheated on me!" Ok, that was an exaggeration, but she was the guilty one anyway...

"Don't be ridiculous! That isn't cheating. Besides, she thought the relationship was already over."

"Oh, really? Very good excuse!"

"Well, you didn't see her all summer."

"I was trying to give her time to recover from her brother's death! And we didn't have a proper break-up, so how did she think that we broke up?"

"You broke up on the day of Dumbledore's funeral. I perfectly remember that."

"But we got along very good after that when I stayed at the Burrows before leaving for the Horcrux Hunt."

"But that doesn't mean that you returned back to being boyfriend and girlfriend. Look, I am neither blaming you nor her, and I am not trying to get you back together, obviously, given what I've done to help you with your Malfoy-problems. But at least, you have to stay friends with her. For the sake of all the years we've lived together."

"OK, I'll give it a try..."

She didn't look convinced.

"Honestly..." I assured her.

"I hope you keep your word. She doesn't deserve this, you know. She has been in a terrible mood recently."

I wanted to say 'Good', but Hermione won't forgive me for that.


The next morning at breakfast, I tried to be friendly with Ginny. I sat beside her and apologized for freaking out when I saw her making out with Dean.

"Harry, that was months ago." But she looked like she's been waiting so long for me to apologize.

I saw Draco entering the Hall and searching for me. Once our eyes met, he gave me a questioning look. I didn't know if he was wondering why I'm sitting at the Gryffindor Table or why I'm sitting beside Ginny, so I just gave him an apologetic look and stayed where I was.

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