~4~ - Kitchenery

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She crawled through the vent, and hit a steep drop, smashing her head against the wall of the vent in front of her before falling and passing out....
She woke up, gasping before hand. Why she awoke? The blood leaking down her head and still streaming down.....

Six looked through her blurry vision, slowly looking up, the light of where she fell kind of blinding her. She groaned, looking ahead. She began to crawl forward after her vision cleared. The teen just proceeded to move forward, the wet blood still streaming down her forehead down her nose. She finally saw a ladder, and grabbed on to one of the bars, now climbing it. "Let's see where THIS goes.." Six muttered, climbing more. Once at the top, she heard squeaking of objects being moved.

The girl turned around, seeing a clothed object coming her way, she immediately jumped out of the way, watching as hooks and body bag like objects went by. Her eyes followed, her seeing where they were going. She even had a small smell she can smell... Cigarette smoke?...

She turned around just right, and jumped, only for her hood to get caught on a hook. Six flipped out and finally managed to make it so she grabbed the hook with her hands, and undid her hood from it. And once outside of the small room she was in, the cigarette smell got even stronger...

She looked around after looking down, now feeling a steep pit in her stomach of being in a high place and now her palms were sweating. Nothing but huge chains decorated the inner part of this damned submarine, some water leaks, huge ass gears and all that a submarine would have. She then looked up to see where the cigarette smoke and smell was coming from...

What appeared to be a distorted chef, or a fat one that could die of cardiac arrest anytime soon, was smoking. Finally he put out the cigarette and he went into the area of what she assumed would be the kitchen. And into another area which smelled of rotting flesh, she gagged, and once a bump thing she accidentally let go, making a small shriek before hitting a large pile of body bags.

Six sat up and took a look around, and stood up, turning around she saw some rats. She even looked to her hands, which were kind of stained of rust, dirt and some cigarette smoke.. seems the hook she was hanging on to was covered in it.. maybe they were chainsmokers? She had no clue, but she started walking forth.

The teen made it to the bottom, and suddenly started coughing with a hit of heavy hunger. She hugged her stomach, groaning. "Really?..." She mumbled, now standing up more and making a small jog forward. She saw some rats, and right as she went to pounce, she was hit with the second wave of hunger, falling to her knees with gasps of pain. Six felt... Ravenous.... She stood up and started walking forward, it slowed down. She heard a trap close down and a rat squeak loudly. She went into the next room after climbing up a small pile of clothes.

Six saw the rat, her vision kind of blurry from the serious hunger she was going through... She walked forward, only to trip and cough out of hunger once again. But she leaned forward after crawling forward a little, and once her hand touched the rat, she felt a sudden wave of her gluttony kick in and yanked the rat out of the trap, pinning it down and biting into it, now eating. The rat started fighting, of course, as any small creature would. But it died off after a bit...

However, Six didn't feel alone.

She felt another presence, and glanced around as she ate, blood dripping down her chin and some decorated on her nose, her bleeding wound has stopped bleeding so her head was stained in red and some purple of a bruise. But she froze once seeing the presence she felt...

Another her? A shadowy glitchy one? It disappeared as quick as she saw it.

"Must be hallucinating..." Six said, now standing up and walking forward. She paused and looked back at the dead rat, seeing it's intestines gashing out. She gagged and turned the direction again and jumped, grabbing on to a cold, metal crate. She looked ahead after hearing squeaking, and felt as if the world around her swayed from side to side. She stood up after finishing the climb, not seeing a direction to the place where the squeaking was coming from. "Sounds like a cart." She spoke, then looked to a standing lid in front of another metal crate; "Hm..." She hummed softly, then ran and made a jump, hitting her stomach against it with a grunt, but managed to catch the crate and climb on to it. She took a small breather, before walking to the kid and pushing it.

It fell over and was tilted enough on the other crates so she could climb it easily. Six jumped down and landed on the crate, nearly sliding back down when the world tilted again. She leaned forward and forced her climb, finally making it and setting foot on the lid of another crate.

It was cold and slightly slippery with some sweat on it, as if it just came from a freezer. She stepped forward and was on body bags in a crate. She didn't catch scent of the foul smell, "Guess it was kept fresh?" She looked ahead and saw blood stains on the floor after small stairs underneath a doorway. She got off the crates and walked up the stairs, looking to the large doors. Six went and pushed them open, seeing where the squeaking was coming from, and light! She ran ahead, nearly being smacked in the leg by the doors but managed to jump out of the way just in time.

Six started to push the cart forward, letting go once feeling the world tilted the way she needed it to tilt, jumping on the cart after grabbing it. The girl made a small jump on to a small window seal that kitchens would have, and looked around, sniffing the air after smelling food.

"Soup...?" She muttered, jumping on to a barrel and getting off afterwards, seeing some vegetables on the floor and some food decorating the shelves. "Odd, I think I'm in the pantry?" She said softly, now walking out of the room, slipping on a sponge. Six looked to it, "Wow. Best cleansing ever..." She mumbled, then stood up, wiped herself off and walked ahead some more, looking to a elevator, 'No switch or button?' She thought.

The girl shrugged it off and walked ahead, seeing a small crawlspace and a big doorway, taking the crawlspace and ended up underneath a table, she heard cutting and squishing of meat. Six looked up from the spot she was in and her eyes widened to the sight, the Chef that was out... Smoking... Was in here, cutting up meat and sliding it into a bucket.

She gave a small gulp, her breath being taken away as he stabbed the board with the butcher knife, now walking her way and grabbing some stuff. Then he walked out, she crept out a little bit after, and stood up, sneaking through the room with stealth. She went through another crawlspace and ended up on another table, accidentally making a lot of noise with the cans she knocked over.


Everything was silent, the Chef looked over, and screeched, making Six jump and look the direction, "Shit!..."

◤✞ 𝕲𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖞 𝕴𝖘 𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖓 ✞◥ (LNI, Vol I) OLDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin