~8~ - Shivers

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After what maybe was three hours, Six awakened. The platform was slightly wet with water, and the squeaking of hooks was the only thing she could hear besides the distant thumps and thunks, with the clicks and moaning sirens of the Maw.
The teenage girl yawned as she sat up, looking overhead. Where she came from was kind of misty with cold fog, personally she was glad she had her yellow raincoat on.

She also didn't see the Chefs anymore! But she definitely could smell distant smoke. Sighing with another yawn, she stood up and stretched. Turning around to face the crawlspace in front of her, beginning to crawl through.

It was only a minute before she reached another part of The Maw, looking around. "Woah..." The moaning sirens were louder, and the creaks and the whistle of The Maw was louder and very much heard.
And... Grunts and growls? The Maw thumped and bounced every now and again. Six was a little shaky but did crawl out of the small space, hitting the cold pipe, which was slightly slippery. She saw some sun beams reaching through some holes of the metal panels.

The teen girl looked up from her place on the pipe, which she was now standing on. The girl began to walk on the cold and wet pipe towards the window.

She looked to the side, seeing an endless void of what may be held would be death, gulping before looking up.

Again, the noises of the Maw proceeded and the creaks never receded.
She finally got to a ladder, she didn't notice it until she was right next to it. Grabbing the cold metal and started climbing it. It was a long climb, not worth looking down unless she wanted to be even more scared.

Six finally got to the circular window, climbing out and slipping onto some board. Blinded by a bright light. She heard some... Water? Once her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw the ocean, and a single chain linking up and down. The girl gripped the board she was now on, afraid of falling. She looked to her left and saw some huge people walking across a board into the said submarine off a large boat.

"I must be nearby the Guest area..." She muttered, before looking to the chain link. Some water splashed over the Maw and the water droplets hit her, making her squeak from surprise.

The water was warm but it felt cold to her skin since she was just in a strained breathing, yet very cold area. She wasn't used to so much warmth...

She came out of her small position before standing up carefully due to the Maw's scary creaks and moaning sirens with the loud boat horn, the vibrations running through the Maw due to the heaviness of the guests that probably weighed around 500-600lbs, maybe more or less. She made a leap of faith, and instead of grabbing the chain like she wanted to, she flew a little ways passed it with a shriek of fear.

Oh no, she can't drown.
The teen girl made contact with the water, it stung her skin due to the pressure of her landing on it. She forced open her eyes in the ocean water, which she felt the tears fade into the salty water. She swam forward towards what she could see if the chain. Holding her breath while losing it. What she could see of the chain through her blurry vision, she reached out and got contact of the smooth metal.

She pulled herself to it, and that's when the waves splashed on her and the chain, making her skin have goosebumps, finally, she climbed up, once having contact with the air, she breathed in the fresh air with the salt taste in her mouth. Her vision was still blurry, her hood was down and dripping of water.

Luckily it was a raincoat, it wouldn't soak the water for long.
If only she knew someone with a warm trench coat that would meet her at the top... Giving her the warmth she needed... The comfort... The optimism...

Six started climbing more, just following wherever the link would take her. She was shivering, the water dripping from her raincoat and legs, her hair was soaked. Soon she felt metal bars but continued climbing whatever direction she was going.

After what felt like years due to the weight of her being wet from the water, she climbed through somewhere, landing on a metal beam. It was cold, and she sat up. Letting loose a shaky sigh; "I-if only I-I knew someone w..with a trench coat..." She mumbled, letting the tears fall as she tried to wipe her eyes of the salt. She didn't have eye drops or cool fresh water to help, so she may be stuck with blurry vision for now.
The teenager got back to hugging herself once she vision was at least clear enough to make out her surroundings, but everything still had a big blur.

Six slowly started to walk forward, her feet tapping against the cold metal. She was slow, feeling sick and feverish.

She tripped over a metal piece onto another pipe, the girl sat up on the cold pipe she was now on. Luckily it was thick enough to walk on, she walked forward again.
Once again, she felt the heavy thumps of the Guests walking forward. She could hear their groans, the Maw's sirens still going off.

She blinked, and her vision was a lot more clearer. Stopping her walk once on some wood, she looked up.
Once looking up... She saw her. The woman in her dreams...
Geisha... Known as The Lady... The one who runs this whole place.

The one who cursed it with all the shattered mirrors.

She couldn't help but scowl at her. The woman with the mask was gazing upon the future food. The people who wouldn't ever be able to leave.

Ever again.

She groaned, a migraine upcoming. She was lucky her groan couldn't be heard, and was lucky she wouldn't be spotted by the Geisha.

She moved forward and grabbed some wood, climbing up the Japanese design. She was surprised that they even had such a beautiful design for such a cursed place like the Maw.

She could smell the fatty parts of the Guests, ignoring the horrid smell since she smelled worse, like dead children. Six kept climbing, making it to the top eventually, and went through the crawlspace into some sort of room. On the panelling of the new room, Guests being split up into toward different rooms. Her energy was slowly coming back but she held back a sneeze.

Still feeling sick, and coughed up some extra salt water that welded up from her throat, she finally made a run forward, jumping and landing on another wooden area. But it wasn't a beam, it was for a light. A large square light. She did this four more times, grabbing the fence once jumping off the last one.

"Time to head to the Guest area..." She mumbled.

◤✞ 𝕲𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖞 𝕴𝖘 𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖓 ✞◥ (LNI, Vol I) OLDWhere stories live. Discover now