~11~ - Chased by Shadows

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Six thought as she looked down to the bloody Nome, the white guts spilled out of the poor little creature. She looked over to the sausage, "It was offering me food?..."

She teared up a little, covering her mouth. She didn't want violence.

Did she actually kill a living thing? A rat was a different story...

She shook her head, wiping away the tears with her yellow raincoat sleeve.

The girl looked down to the Nome. "I'm sorry... Please... Please forgive me..." She felt another presence, and looked around. No one. Absolutely no one. No other living thing was there watching or in the same room. Not even down the hall she escaped from. Soon, a loud click was heard. She looked to a box with some bottles of wine in it, then to a table with stacks of food, dirty plates and some silverware that was slightly moldy.

Looking back to the box of wine bottles, the teenager walked to it after seeing some planks lined on the wall, using them to climb after getting on the crate. Once fully up, she pushed into a cubby hole and fell forward, hitting some cold yet damp wooden planks.

She bit down on her tongue to seize back pain, looking to her leg. The bandages were fraying and unraveling, Six knew she had to replace them. Sighing, she stood up shakily.
   The girl walk– limped forward. She could hear the ripping of the bandages, now climbing up some more wooden planks. Soon, she felt herself thunk her hands against some cold metal, looking up, she saw a metal trapdoor. Climbing up more, she pushed it up, peeking out to look around, and that's when she saw Geisha.

The Lady.

The Watchful Eye of The Maw.

The heart of it. She saw her stepping into the elevator, her sleeves moving along with the gust of cold wind the Lady casted each time she moved. The lift doors closed, and she heard it click.

The teen girl got out of the small space, standing up and nearly hopping over to the elevator, looking up to the door with the eye on it. Then to some objects around herself.

A bookshelf with some collectable porcelain dolls on them. The porcelain dolls were oriental looking, and some looked spiritual.
  Some books stacked other places, a lamp decorating a small bookshelf. A glass vase was nearby a bookshelf closest to the elevator.

Six walked to it and picked it up, surely it was a little heavy but she had to make a use of it.

"I hope this adds enough pressure to that button." The girl heard another click on the elevator, assuming that was Geisha getting off, she threw the glass vase against the button. It added the perfect amount of pressure to click it!

After a few seconds of waiting, she saw the doors open in there horizontal ways. Walking into the lift, she saw there was purple backsplash for the colors, some decorative birch planks for the rest of the walls and floors.

The metal doors shut, and the elevator began going up, the girl turned around to face the doors. After a few more seconds, they opened. And that's when she heard clicks of a clock with some humming.

The humming sounded like it could give away any hypnosis.
   Six stepped out on the spruce planks, looking around. More magenta like colors with purples and violets with some pinks.

Bookshelves were also all around, and a shattered mirror with the pieces on the floor. After Six stepped onto the carpet, the elevator doors shut and she turned around to see them closed. Letting out a breathful sigh, she turned to her left, ignoring many other details as the teenager headed forward.

Once in the common area of the residence while walking on the soft, magenta like carpet, there was a chair by a table and a loveseat, some books piled on it with a lazily placed lamp.
  More bookshelves with more stockpiles of books, the humming was even louder than before.

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