Tiffany Oiler x Reader

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Episode: The Dentist

??? POV:

It was raining.....

"AHHH! AH! AH! AHHH!" Finn screamed, "Are you ready?" Jake asked, Finn was hanging upside down right over a well with snakes and butter.
Princess bubblegum gave him a thumbs up and he dropped Finn, who was still screaming.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Finn yelled as he fell inside of the well, "UNH!" He fell head first.
"This isn' bad." then his sword got thrown in, "Hey, my sword!" Finn continue, "Wonder where—- AAH!"
Finn fell through the snakes and butter and landed perfectly into a strange place ran by ants.

Finn lifted his foot, "Soft sand..?" Then he turned around to see there was an ant behind him, "Ant."

"WELCOME TO DENTIST, CADET! I'M LEFTENANT GAMERGATE." The ant sniffed, " Snakes and rotten butter..A common mistake. You were expected to arive with snacks and a flashlight." He continued, "Either way, you're here." .... "So...Dentist is ants?" Finn asked, "DENTIST IS DENTIST, CADET!" The ant replied.

"DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY." The ant yelled, "I don't have any money..?" Finn was confused, "Funny man goes dentist huh?" The ant said, "The queens office is in the Royal hill." he pointed towards a hill and Finn turned to it.



"Holes.." Finn said while crawling towards the door.
Finn opened the door and saw someone else was in there, "Uh..Hello?" He said as he crawled in, "Oh hey Finn" Y/n said as they scooted over,"Theres not that much room in here, sorry."

"It's alright, so you got sent Dentist too?" Finn asked, "Yeah, I got a cavity."
"Oh me too! Nice. I mean—- Not nice about the cavity but its cool that we're both here." once he finished talking he laughed nervously, "I've been here for awhile..Aparently we need a three person team." Y/n sighed, "I mean theres two people including myself.."Finn was confused, "Why do you—-" He got cut off by the queen coming in, she walked between the two teens.

  "Listen, I wasn't here when you two came in. I'm a very busy woman." The queen said as sat in her chair. She  then turned her chair to them and said, "My name is General Tarsal. I am the current queen of this regiment, and please have a seat." Both teens then switched the way they are sitting, "As a first-timer im confident that you have no idea what you're doing here, I am referring to you by the way." She said as she pointed to Finn.

"Our tooth hurts." Finn said as he pointed to his mouth and Y/n shook their head in agreement, "Well, let's take a look at your files." General Tarsal said, "Ah, so you're some fighters? Yeah...We can use some fighters..Well we already knew about you..." She started talking to herself....

"My tooth hurts.." Finn said randomly, "What? Of course it does. Let me explain." The queen then went on, "You have gone dentist. That means that YOU will serve a brief tour of duty, and in exchange, we will provide FULL DENTAL REHABILITATION! Soon you guys will be on the front, fighting monsters—- MONSTERS...MOSTER WORMS!"

"..Worms." Finn said randomly, "The worms are employed by....The flies." She then hit a fly statue.

"—- Work for the flies. You guys fight them, we'll fix your teeth. Of course, Y/n knows all this, don't you?" She asked, "Yup!" Y/n smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Your mission is to secure the junction at ALL COSTS. Upon completion of service, you will be sworn to ABSOLUTE silence. The flies have spies everywhere. FLY SPIES."

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