Male!Reader x Undertaker!Tiffany Oiler

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Im gonna start using ____ to refer to the reader. idk it feels easier and I don't rly like Y/n that much🤷🏽
But lmk if you guys like me using ____ or Y/n better. I'm also thinking of using MC.

tell me if I accidentally use the wrong name to refer to you guys, the reader!

This oneshot isn't exactly the best since I was kinda just testing out "____" to refer to the reader so be ready for a not-so-good chapter💀


____ died.
He finally died.

____ was a human, like Finn.
They would usually help Finn and Jake with fighting evil, ya know, the usual.

He met Tiffany where Susan lived while looking for human artifacts. The boys really did get along before Dr.Gross decided to uh...Trick everyone except Tiffany and Susan with candy. By that I mean Susan didn't fall for it.

When they got free Tiffany and ____ got into a mini argument. Tiffany wanted ____ to stay more than anything but ____ didn't feel the same. He didn't want to stay. He didn't want to be "Human plus" as Dr. Gross said.
Tiffany still saved Jake, ____, and Finn but _____ and Tiffany left off on...Pretty bad terms.

And that was the last he saw Tiffany.
Or the first and only time he saw Tiffany.



Your POV:

Where am I? I don't think—- I was just with Finn wasn't I? When did we walk into this...Cave? Actually what is this place? Is this even a cave?

Finn and I were just fighting some dude. Maybe I passed out and he took me somewhere..Who knows, I mean I don't know, that's for sure.

I'll look—- Woah there's other people?
....Oh shit, what are those..Spider things on them?....Most of them are talking to their self.

Let's see—-


??? POV

One of the spider looking things jumped at ____ causing them to pull their sword out a slice it in half.

"Uh, I don't think these guys are good." ____ was catching his breath but another one jumped at him.
He barely caught it and threw it out then stepped on it, "I gotta get out of here."

____ started pulling the spider-like-things off of the others there and told them to follow him, of course they trusted him. They knew he use to work with Finn.

As they made it out ____ slowed down and realized where they were and what happened to him.

He died.
He died while fighting with Finn.

"Im...Dead." He whispered, "Oh no..I— I was fighting some dude with Finn. I died while fighting..." ____ continued walking, "I hope Finns okay" He got behind the next person in line, "I can't believe I died." He realized he was talking to himself and shook his head.

A red skeleton bird flew down and started talking to the person in front of them, but ____ was to distracted with their own thoughts to notice.

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