Fern/The Green Knight x Reader

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____ was at the entrance to the Gumbaldia castel. As they walked towards the entrance the Green Knight, AKA Fern walked out of the darkness.

"____? You'll have to leave. You're an enemy to Gumbaldia." ____ stopped walking, "Fern, can we just talk? Please?" ____ asked, "...."

"How did you even get here?" He questioned, "I probably shouldn't tell you this but, uh, I stole the coordinates from PB." ____ looked down in disappointment, " She's gonna be ticked when she finds out it was me but this is the only way I could see you. At least this was all I could think of. She may not trust me anymore after finding out but it's, uh, okay I guess."

Fern removed his helmet and showed his face, but he looked confused, "Why would you—- You'd never..Whatever, look, you can't be here. Gumbald is recruiting people who hate the Candy Kingdom and he could be back any second now. I don't want anything  bad to happen. Let's just go into the forest, alright?"



The walk into the forest was silent. So many things were running through each teens mind..They were too nervous to speak up.



"Hey Fern, why haven't you came by the treehouse to say hi? I mean Finn and Jake are almost always at the Candy Kingdom now—- There's nothing stopping you." Fern stayed silent..


"I just—- I can't explain it." Fern removed the front of his helmet again, "Please just try to understand" He looked upset but ____ was confused, "Fern, I really don't understand. I mean, we use to be really close—- We were dating Fern. I missed you so much. I still do..? You have to understand where i'm coming from."

"I..I know. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't bring myself to go there. Finns there. I already know he likes you. I was him. I doubt that had changed."

____ rolled their eyes, "Fern, i'm not into Finn, and he understands that. He's backed off, he respects the both of us. You can trust the fact that he hasn't made any moves on me. I want you Fern," The Green Knight was shocked to hear this in a way, it made him happy until he was scared Finn DID try something. in any way. no matter how small.

"_____ I wish i could convince myself that THATS true. I know you wouldn't do anything. I trust you. I love you. It's Finn, if I were him, I'd be there for you and- and ugh.." Ferns face looked so angry, but he couldn't do anything, " In all honesty, Fern," It felt so nice to hear ____ say his name.. "I distanced myself from him for a long time. From everyone- I couldn't stand..Everything was so horrible. I can't even explain it, when I lost you I lost the one person who I felt loved me for me, understood me- you're my..or were my bestfriend. What are we now? "

You stopped yourself from talking after that, you had so much to say..There was so much you didn't understand. You were so hurt and just confused. It was hard yet so easy to speak.

"_____ I..." At this point you and Fern weren't walking around the forest anymore. You didn't wanna walk, you didn't want any of this. You wished things didn't happen the way they did..but there's nothing that can be done.

"I'm sorry I never said anything, I'm sorry I never said hi or...I don't know. I promise you I know what I did wrong and I understand why youre so upset with me, " Fern wasn't sure what to say, but he meant his apology, " I'll prove to you I mean it, I may surve Gumbaldia, but I'll always be your knight. Your knight in itchy grass armor!" He said this in an attempt of making you laugh
You smiled at his joke, he felt his heart melt as you smiled. He missed you so much, he had wished he showed it.

"What are we? What am I to you now Mr.Green Knight? Please tell me I didn't go behind PBs back for nothing"

Fern felt so strange.

" I still want us. I us to be together. It's like, you were always on my mind. I wanted to see you so bad, but..fuck," he smacked his forehead, " It always felt like it was too late, but I know I was wrong now- I don't want our relationship to change, I want you to be mine- " As he was talking, you felt comforted in a way, you were still so hurt that he didn't do anything to let you know he was okay- or just ALIVE. All you felt in this moment was love mixed towards him with sadness. anger..You couldn't understand how you felt. You wished the sadness would go away. After all, both of you are still kids. While we was talking you zoned out. You weren't listening for a minute or so until you heard
" Lets try this again..?" The Green Knight asks.
He holds your cheek with such a sad look on his face. He could barely hold eye contact. He was so scared to hear what you had to say, so many regrets rushed to his head after he said this.

Then, you kissed him. How you missed his lips, his touch...You missed it all. No, your anger and sadness didn't just go away, but it felt like bliss. Kissing him after so long made your heart flutter. How much you missed and wanted him again overpowered your negative feelings, emotions are confusing in that way. Without even thinking, Fern kissed you back. He then held your back and pulled you closer with his other hand, still holding your face as you felt your cheeks warming up. It was like how it use to be..He then slowly pulled away with such a huge smile on his face. ______ hadn't seen him smile like this in so long, you hadn't seen him in general.
"I missed this so much ______. I missed you. It was so hard..fuck- " He squeezed you tightly.

Both of you sat down on some random log, it was like old times.

Fern layed his head on your shoulder, "I missed doing this too..You're always so wonderful _____. You're there for me. I'm so lucky.." You laughed a little, "Yeah you are, Fern, I stole from PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM just to see you. PB!!! If she, OR ANYONE tells her I was here...she'll never trust me again- or maybe no one will? We gotta keep this between us. You're just that special to me."

Fern was still suprised that you did this, you genuinely respected her so much, "You really shouldn't of done that. Seriously, I'm not that important..You could've just..asked someone???"
  You laughed akwardly, "yeaahhhh..so I shouldn't even KNOW about this place. They wanted..uh they didn't want me to end up hurt or something seeing you or knowing youre back- something dumb!!!"

You and Fern continued to talk and talk...You completely lost track of time and so did your knight.

The sun starts setting, youre the one who notices, "I hate to interrupt you Fern, but the sun is going down, how long were you suppose to stay out here??" Ferns heart drops, " _____ I hate to leave like this, but oh my glob- WHERE DID THE TIME EVEN GO?? I genuinely have to go ______ . You understand right? Don't you too???? People are gonna notice you missing-" You put your hand on his shoulder, "You don't need to panic, me leaving like this became normal forever ago, Fern say you were out patrolling the area. Making sure it's extra safe! I'm sure that could work...? Right? Gumball probably maybe isn't that smart? I don't know the guy that well!"
  Fern laughs a little akwardly, "Oh, normal now?? Okay I guess, " He was saddened by that in a way..He didn't get why, " Well, I should go. Gumball might be mad, He can't know I was with you, he should've been back a long...LONG...time ago actually......." Fern was extremely worried.

You kissed him one last time, and you went your separate ways. You still had questions, but this was good for now.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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