Chapter 4

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(Alarm rings)its morning, I woke up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom and came out 13mins after showering and brushing,I picked a white gown which length was below my kneel then I put it on and brushed my hair quickly then I went to where my backpack was before my eyes turned to my calendar on the wall,it was Saturday,I laughed at myself then I sat down and watched tv.I watched it till it was 9:00am,I stood up and went down stairs.I saw mom watching it,good morning mom,I greeted her.she then replied, good morning honey,I see you're already up,hope you had a good sleep?,yeah mom,where is ariana?,I asked,I haven't seen her since this morning, please go upstairs and help me check on her and tell her to come down stairs now,mom said,okay mom,I replied.I went up stairs to Ariana's room,I opened the door and saw her moving her body to the beat and singing"I want it,I got it,I want it,I got it.I want it,I got it,I want it,I got it,I want it,I got it(baby)you like my hair?Gee thanks,just bought it(oh yeah)I see it,I like it,I want it,I got it(yeah).I interrupted everything she was doing, I turned off the music player and yelled at her for playing the music so loud then I asked her of the music name then she replied, 7rings by Ariana grande,why did you turn off the music?,I then said thanks for the song's name,mom wants you downstairs asap,that's all I told her before I went out.I got downstairs and told mom I was going for a walk,she agreed then I went out.I inserted the earphone and played music as I walked down the street,I stood in front of a saloon for almost 20mims before I walked out to the next street,I saw different cars passing by and people too,some of them were just walking pass and the rest were either taking a cab or doing a morning exercise.You know someone's life could change in a minute,my life is an example. I saw a cute little girl walking cross the road running to meet her mom before I turned and I saw a bus driving towards the girl not looking at the little girl then I dropped my phone,I ran towards the girl and pushed her away from the road and got hit by the bus.I saw myself in a dark place with a bright light  shining from afar accompanied with a lovely voice saying, diala, you have been chosen,then I asked,me?,yes,you,she said like she was very sure.I am the Angel of the stars,I saw your letter,you are born to be a heroine,you wrote it in your stories when you were little,remember your stories, you have a super power,you can control objects,if you can imagine it then you can shape it.suddenly she stepped out of the light,I saw her face and then it was totally dark and everything was not there anymore.My eyes where blinking,it was blur but I saw people around me,with time it was clear and I saw faces.what happened?,I asked when I sat died,a lady answered then the cute little girl said too,you got hit by a bus to save my life,I thought u died,you were laying still for an hour now.i stood up and looked at the crowd that stared at me while I waked and picked my phone and went home.I greeted mom and ariana and went upstairs, I opened my closet and took out my box of belongings from when I was little then I took my story of a super heroine that was approached by an Angel and was given powers.I looked at my hand and looked at my pencil that was on my reading table,I concentrated on it and imagined letter"s" then the pencil changed to letter"s",I lose concentration before my favorite cousin walked in.My favorite cousin sarah walked in and hugged me and said,diala,how are you?,I am very fine sarah,how have you been?,I asked,I'm alright, she answered then she asked with a suspicious look,diala,why do you look furious?,sarah,you won't believe what just happened now,I told her,what was that?,sarah asked.I think I have super powers,I said looking as u ring,really?,don't joke with me,sarah said.Nope I wouldn't, it's true,I said then I looked at one of my pencils again and concentrated,stretched my hand towards the direction and made it turn letter"s".OMG! She said because she was amazed how did you do that?,she asked,I told you I have super power,I just found out too,I said to reply her.(knock)we heard a knock before my mom said,diala,sarah please come down for lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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