Donnie x French male reader

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Requested by @Krombopulos-Michael

Title: Frenchie

Note: I'm sorry if anything is wrong, I got everything off Google. Feel free to correct me if so.

"Est-ce que je peux t'appeler Biscotte ? Parce que je te trouve craquante. (Can I call you Cookie? Because I find you irresistible.)" I cooed at Donnie, watching as his cheeks gently turned pink. I laughed and sat back in the chair I had pulled up next to him, smiling largely.

"I still don't know what you're saying." He grunted as he continued working, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. I tilted my head and stared at him, feeling myself blush also.

"Well, it's a good thing you don't. If you knew, we'd both be blushing." I said suggestively, raising an eyebrow at him as I shook my head to tell him I was joking. With a snort, Donnie grinned and looked at me, his gap showing adorably from between his lips. His auburn eyes gleamed and I felt my eyes widen as I looked away, clearing my throat.

"Est-ce que le soliel vient de se lever ou c'est toi que m'as souri ? (Did the sun just rise or did you smile at me?)" I threw myself over the back of the chair and playfully gasped, looking at Donnie out of the corner of my eye as he leaned away from the computer and looked at me with a playful glare on his face.

"You know, if you're going to make fun of me, you could at least do it in a language I understand." He grumbled as he kicked my foot gently.

"Ah, but what fun would that be?" I shrugged as I giggled again, leaning up to come face-to-face with the turtle of the hour himself. We locked eyes and I gazed into them, letting myself get lost in them. He said he hated his eyes- they used to scare his brothers when they were kids- but I thought they were beautiful. The auburn eyes went well with him and were very bright and good at portraying what he was feeling in an instant. I loved eyes, but his made me want to never see anything else ever again.

"What?" Donnie muttered, looking back at me. I hesitated as I knew how self-conscious he was about his eyes. He grew up hating them and did even now. His brothers weren't making it any easier on him either, feeling the need to tease him relentlessly. I couldn't say anything though as the last time I did, Donnie got upset thinking I was teasing him also.

"T-tu as de beaux yeux tu sais. (You know, you have beautiful eyes.)" Donnie's eyes furrowed as he continued gazing at me, head tilting slightly.

"Tell me." He whispered, leaning forward slightly to rest his forehead against mine. I shuddered, not wanting to. I knew he would get upset, but he would also know if I was lying to him.

"You have beautiful eyes." I said honestly, closing my eyes to prepare myself. And, I was right. I felt him pull away, his skin leaving mine as he sighed, the sounds of typing entering my ears. I breathed in gently and opened my eyes, seeing that Donnie wasn't looking at me anymore.

"Please, leave." He muttered, not stopping to talk to me. Sucking my lips into my mouth, I nodded and stood up, pushing the chair back to where it had been before I'd moved it.

"I'd never lie to you, Donatello." I whispered as I exited the lab, closing the door softly behind me. I rested the back of my head against the door and sighed, closing my eyes.

"Hey, Frenchie. Did you and Don get into a fight or something?" I heard from the couch. I opened my eyes to see Raph watching me as a movie played on the screen in front of him. I shook my head and made my way over to him, throwing myself down on the couch beside him.

"No, he is just a little difficult sometimes. But I wouldn't change it either. I just wish he could see himself the way someone who loves him does." I ran my hands through my hair as I looked at Raph, who was staring down at me, thinking deeply.

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