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Lilly's POV
This is really creepy. The shadow extended its hand, wait would it be a hand? I have no idea, anyways, the shadow outstretched its hand and stared at me with creepy white eyes. Do I go with this shadow or be stuck here forever? I obviously went with the shadow even though I am 99% sure that this is a bad idea. He? Is it a he? He took my hand and we started flying. Wow just my luck, my freedom shadow thing comes right after all my belongings have been destroyed. I closed my eyes because I have a fear of heights. Fear of height, and I have lived in a tower for 15 years, ironic right. I just hope that this shadow isn't going to take me somewhere even higher, like a mountain or something. After a while, I decided to open my eyes and boy am I glad I did. We were flying over a deep blue ocean and stars were twinkling like diamonds everywhere! How do I know how a diamond looks like? Magic. We were flying so fast that my hair started to get in my face. Did I mention, that everything I do magic, my hair grows longer and it can't be cut? That sucks really, the only hairstyle that I can ever really pull off are braids. What if there are actual real people where we are going? I hope my social skills are not that bad, I mean having an old witch as my only company for 15 years can really change the way someone acts. After flying for 30 minutes, I could see this island in the horizon. The island was fairly big, with a very dense looking jungle and beaches with golden sand. This seemed like a perfect place, and it looked uninhabited, no houses or castle or tower to be seen at all, although I want to lay off on the towers for now. The shadow flew me closer to the sand, and let go. I fell a little distance, but not too much. Good thing I landed on my feet, although I don't know how I did that. After I took in my bearings, I didn't see anyone around. There was that jungle though, and it probably has better food and water than the beach. Although I have only seen beaches as drawings on my books, I was fairly certain that this is probably a beach. I walked towards the water, it looked so pretty. I have never been swimming before, and you could probably tell why. The water reached my ankles, then my knees. I was about to go in deeper, mesmerized by the beauty, I felt draw into the water, almost as if there were voices drawing me in, telling me to go deeper when I was snapped from my trance by a voice.
"You don't want to do that love, the water is infested by mermaids."
The mysterious voice warned me. It sounded like a boy. I had only read about boys. They were generally taller than girls, had shorter hair (although I don't exactly know how hair normal girl standard looks like) and they had a deeper voice. They also had other differences that I don't want to go through right now. I turned around and faced the source of the voice, he was definitely a boy, or at least, he fit the description for boys. This particular boy had browish blonde hair, green eyes and was tall. He also had this feel about him that makes you not want to trust him, like he troublemakers in my books. Mother Gothel had always told me that boys were up to no good. She said they tried to take advantage of girls and will leave them when they are satisfied with them. I didn't judge this boy just by what she told me though, Mother Gothel had bad judgment. I mean seriously, would you trust an old witchy lady who locked up innocent young girls into towers and forced them around? Anyways, I have bigger matters in my hands, I was meeting my first human, well I'm not counting Mother Gothel, she is definitely not human. This wasn't any human being though, a boy. My very first boy!
"I-I I was just looking"
I stammers my words, I was distracted by his eyes, they seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. Girls were usually distracted by these kinds of things right? So it's not just some anti-social skill I developed when I was locked up right? He sneered, revealing his dimples, which made him look even more, what is that word, I don't remember, but I do know that girls are always describing some boys that way. Feetsome? I think that's the word. I was staring at him now and I'm pretty sure boys think it's weird when people stare at their faces and notice their features and don't reply to what they are saying. What did he say anyway? I looked at the ground, the sand sparked in the moonlight, like you crushed up diamonds and put them on the ground. Whats with me and diamonds today?
"Hello? Did you hear anything I said at all?"
The boy said, looking annoyed. I just stared at him again, acting like an incompetent idiot.
"Wha- Sorry I was, er- distracted"
I started to stammer again, this has to stop.
"I asked you what your name is?"
"Oh, my name is um, what is my name again- Oh yea, it's er, Lilly"
This is seriously getting out of hand! I though that all that practice I did, talking to chairs so that I would be prepared for when I finally met real humans had paid off... I guess it hadn't.
"Lilly eh? I am Peter, Peter Pan"
"Um Peter Pan, hello sir, um I have to get going, er- I have business to attend to."
I was totally lying to him, I hoped he couldn't tell
"You are a bad liar, and besides, you are not going anywhere."
Yup he could tell.
The leaves rustled and a bunch of boys jumped out of the bushes holding spears and bows with quivers filled with arrows. This escape plan, which seemed perfect in the beginning was not going well.

A/N: I'm not sure is anyone is reading at all, but my inner FANGIRL told me I have to write this lol :P Leave a comment if you are reading, I would appreciate that :) I will continue writing if even one person is reading, I know how annoying it gets when authors don't update their stories.

Lost GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora