Caged Again!

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Lilly's POV

I really need to learn self defensive skills. Well I guess it's not my fault that much because I just escaped from a tower that had been stuck in for 15 years. I did get myself stuck in a cage though, and it was getting really cramped. Why do I do this to myself? Why couldn't I had taken the next creepy shadow that came to my window? I mean maybe I wouldn't be stuck in a cage surrounded by boys then. Well, probably not. Maybe I would of have met like a nice goat or something and gone on adventures, but nope, I just had to come to this island. Who are these boys anyway? Why did they capture me? Who was that boy? I don't think it really matters though, he is holding me prisoner. My stomach started rumbling. Oh god, I hope my kidnappers will give me food. At least mother Gothel used to give me food. I decided that maybe asking would be nice. Who knows, maybe my kidnappers are decent boys.
"Hello? Excuse me, ummm I'm sorta, kinda hungry."
I yelled, I hope my yelling for help skills I practiced since I was 12 was good. I peered out the cage bars, the boys were just ignoring me!
"Umm.. If I can't have food, can j have answers? Why did you guys put me in his cage? How long will I be in here? Who are you guys anyway? What did I do? Was it the wate- Do you ever stop talking?"
That voice, the one heard before, what did he say his name was? Percy? Porcupine? It was something with a P. Peter, yea. Peter Polkins? Peter oh it doesn't even matter.
"I will stop talking.l when I get answers." My stomach rumbled some more," and some food."
Yay go me! I didn't even know I could sound so mad.
"Oh demanding are we? This is my island, my rules."
I could practically feel his sneer. How was I supposed to know that the first boy I meet would be such a- what the word? Poop Face.
"Well, it's my life now isn't it 'Mr. I am so awesome'."
Haha point two.. Or so I thought
"Thanks for the compliment love, now if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut. Or I might just have to kill you before the fun begins."
Kill? Oh no.
"But-but, what have I done? All I asked was for some food."
"I said keep your mouth shut, you don't want to die a day after escaping from that tower do you?"
How did he know? I was going to ask him, but if he knew that I shouldn't. if he knew about the tower, then what else did he know?

A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to DAWN356 for motivating me to update.. yay!
Although this was a filler chapter, stuff is about to happen pretty soon. I literally have the whole story more or less planned out in which direction I want it to go in. So watch out for those updates :) thanks again <3 I love feedback
PS: Sorry this is short, but chapter 4 will be published by tomorrow

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