Meeting The Pirates

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Lilly's POV

I opened one of my eyes, staring at an unfamiliar scene. There was a bunch of wodden planks at the ceiling and I felt like I was being rocked. I just stared at the wood for a while before finally regaining my thoughts. That made me snap upright and take in the rest of my surroundings. I was in this room that seemed to be made up of wood and I was tied to a pole with some rope. There was a bunch of sacks and boxes in one corner, a desk like thing on one, a door on one and I was one one corner. Why did I always manage to get kidnapped? I think maybe that's my special talent or something. I don't even know where I am. The last thing I remember is having to find my way to that stupid lake place. If only Peter had just showed me the way to go, then I wouldn't be in this mess. I sighed and looked at my hands. They were starting to get sore from being tied up. Then I remembered something, I had magic! Although I had no clue on how to use it to escape, that still meant I had an upper hand over my captors, unless they have magic as well, then I am really in for. My stomach started rumbling and my throat was dry. I needed water right now. I was trying to figure out a plan on how to escape when I heard footsteps descending down the stairs. In my view came a man with a leather jacket, leather pants and leather boots. He was wearing all black. Was he apart of some club or something? Why was he wearing all black leather? Then I remembered something. This is the man who knocked me out with the poppies! I tried to break free, but the rope was too tight.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?"
That man asked. I did not respond. I was not about to talk to some random stranger and tell him my name and such.
"Stubborn are we?"
He asked, "Let's see how stubborn you will be when you have to walk the plank off the ship into the ocean."
The ocean? Oh no, not the ocean. There are mermaids there! I guess my fear showed up in my eyes. The man laughed and he gruffly untied the rope from the pole. Then he began to pull me up the door.
"I always love finding one of Pan's Lost Boys and killing them. It gives me happiness to see the bloody demon in pain. I didn't know there were any Lost Girls though. What are you? Pan's mother? Sister? Girlfriend?"
Pans girlfriend? It felt weird thinking that and I don't know why. I am definitely not his sister or his mother either. Especially not his mother. When I reached the sunlight again, I tried to soak it all in because I knew that the sunshine will be taken away. I saw a bunch of pirates around me. I THO get maybe I would die differently. I had always hope it rained on the day I died, I don't know why.
"If you tell us where the camp is, we will let you go. You can be a pirate and the demon can't harm you."
The lost boys didn't harm me! Well except for the time when they kidnapped me and left me without food, but at least they didn't kidnap me. When I didn't answer, the pirate got a look of annoyance on his face and told me to walk down the plank. I did as told and was about to jump when I hear a voice. I recognized that voice.

THANKS CorolynK DAWN356 !! YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY THE BEST! ILY <3 I'll update sooner because I have spring break now yay!! : D

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