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Just going to drop a short random oneshot just a way of saying that this book is still being updated.

The requested part two of wish is still in process. I'm not even halfway to finishing it, and it's taking up 8 pages of my notebook (back to back), so it's... pretty long to say the least.


Ah Valentine's Day, a day about couples, handed out chocolates, confessions, dates, and a day about Love


Something this girl is hopeless on, but never even thinks to learn her lesson. It's safe to say that after countless rejections, nothing could tie her down, not even the string of fate that ties her to a person she doesn't like. Oh why are on that subject? That's a story for another time.

Usually, she isn't worried about confessing, even on valentine's day. She'll ram headfirst into the situation without thinking only to regret it all and act like nothing had happened. But strangely, this one's causing her to go insane.

He's a ghost! What's wrong with giving chocolates to a ghost?!

She paced around her room, holding the heart shaped box of chocolates against her chest. School doesn't start for an hour and she had planned to go there earlier to give him the chocolates. Only to realise that this isn't some cliche to go-to-school-early-and-place-the-chocolates-on-

And then he looks to you and you wave at him, saying that it had came from you. Nope, not at all.

Placing the box inside her bag carefully, she took in deep breaths to calm her flushing face down.

"I'll give it to him after class. He won't notice that I skipped our usual short talk before class starts"





She tiptoed up the stairs, making sure to not make a sound. Her classroom is across the girls bathroom, and on the other side of the building is a dead end, with only a window to be seen from afar. So in short, only the right side of the building has stairs, and unfortunately, she has to walk across the girl's bathroom unseen.

Swallowing the lump on her throat, she pursed her lips, thinking as if this was the hardest, most impossible thing she could ever do. Taking a step, she peered inside the bathroom from across the hallway, seeing that no one, not a dead person, was inside, she took another step.

One step away and she could freely sprint to her room. One step away, and she wouldn't have to experience the burden of embarrassment. But alas, the world, as usual, was against her.

"Hmm? A box of chocolates? I wonder who's it for~"

All she could do was hope and pray to the dieties above to come and take her soul away this time

"It's for uhm... Kou-kun?"


And he smiled despite his sudden silence. He's proud, liking someone who obviously returns her feelings. Seeing that she was reaching for the box, subtle movements, he raised it up his head, not letting her get to it.


"Just a little peek wouldn't hurt right~?" He snickered when her face turned even redder.

He floated off the ground so she couldn't snatch it away and read the pale pink tag that was hanging off the white ribbon holding the box together. "Let's see what it says here..."


She took a sharp deep intake of breath when he then turned silent. Again.

" like me?"

"What gives you that idea?!"

"Oh nothing, it's just that you said this was for shounen when my name was written down in here"

"So?! I may have written the wrong one!" He pursed his lips.

"This neat calligraphy says the opposite. It's obvious you worked hard to write my name on this tag" She sighed. It was better to come clean, rather than him pestering her the whole day about it.

"Fine. It's for you, happy Valentine's Day..." She didn't have the guts to say more when he just hugged her tightly. He's cold, but she could feel the loving warmth radiating off of him.

Not that she knows why

"Aww, Happy Valentine's Day too my daikon assistant" She inwardly cheered.

"Anyways, sorry that I didn't give you a gift, but I think I could make it up to you"

"How? And why? I don't need anything in return" Such a precious person indeed. He looked out of the window.

"Meet me later after class at the tree behind the school" he whispered and walked inside the bathroom. Giving her one last grin, he disappeared into the third stall.


"Nene-chan! Did it work?" The teal bluenette looked up from her desk and blushed. Aoi took this as a yes and cheered around her.

Bringing her fingers to her lips, she took a glance into the hallway windows of the classroom to see her ghost sporting a shit eating grin on his face.

Her lips are just swollen, nothing had happened

Ok bai :-)

"My little Daikon" //Hananene oneshots// ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now