Chapter no. 1

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Pic of Olivia's room above☝☝☝


"Olivia wake up or else you'll be late for the interview", I heard my best friend Emma screaming from downstairs. I awoke to a beam of sunlight cutting through my window and steadily toasting the side of my face. I opened my eyes and adjusted them to the sunlight. I gradually get up from the bed and left to the bathroom attached to the bedroom.

The compartment I used to stay in is not very big, compromising of two bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a living room but it is sufficient for me and my friend. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I towel-dried my entire body, then put on my robe. I brush my hair and then went downstairs.

I stride towards the kitchen and like always there she stood in the kitchen preparing breakfast. The aroma of pancakes was all around the kitchen. "Good morning", I said while taking in the aroma of the pancakes. "Good morning, sleepyhead", she said with her beautiful voice. "Have you sleep well", she asked with concern. I know she treats me like a little sister. I often have nightmares and have trouble sleeping. She cares for me and the only one who knows about my past. "A kind of", I notified her sincerely.

I prepare two cups of coffee and set up the table. She serves the pancakes, takes her seat, and begins eating. Likewise, I began devouring the delightful pancakes. "Hey Emma let me warn you that the man you marry will love your pancakes more than you", I said to taunt her. "Shut up O, didn't you have an interview today", she asked me with a serious tone. "Yes, at 9 o'clock", I admitted. "Em can you help me find an outfit for the interview", I asked her. "Sure why not", she said with a smile.
I was now prepared for the interview, only my hair was left. "Which organization are you going for the interview", she inquired while doing my hair. " It's Knight Enterprises," I replied her. When I told her about Knight Enterprises, She thinks for a moment and began filling me with the details about Knight Enterprises. "Knight Enterprises is one of the famous organizations of America. The organization's employees are very talented and are highly compensated. You should go for it", she advised. "How did you know all this", I questioned. "I don't know that much, my cousin works there as an employee, you should meet him", she admitted. "How come I don't know about him", I questioned. "He is not that close to me, I just met him at several family dinners and he told me about his work", she said. "By the way what's his name", I asked. "It's of no use, I don't believe he remembers me", she said while imagining something. "Please tell me Em, possibly I would meet him during my interview", I asked. She thinks for a moment and said, "I will tell you on one condition." "And what is it?", I asked. "You will not notify him I am your friend", she said. "And why is that", I inquired. I don't know why Em was not telling me about his cousin." "I will tell you later", she said. "Ok now tell me what's the name", I questioned. "His name is Grayson Smith", she muttered. The name is wonderful but I don't know why Em doesn't want to discuss him.

"How is Uncle Mack doing", she raised a question. Concern evident in her voice. My father is in the hospital fighting cancer. He was on phase 3. The doctors are dealing with him. I am contributing as much as I could to save my father. My mother is gone and I don't want my father to go as well. I want this job, not for myself but my father. "He is doing great, he was complaining that his second daughter didn't attend him anymore", I informed her. "Are you going to visit him today", she asked. "Yes, after my interview at Knight Enterprises, I will go for a visit", I told her.

Before going out I examined my reflection, I was wearing a white top with a black pencil skirt. My blond hair was tied in a messy bun. I didn't apply that much makeup a light lipstick and a liner and I was ready to go. I stepped outside of my apartment and hear Em yelling best of luck. Sometimes I think about how I am that much lucky to have such a friend. I called a taxi and ask the driver to take me to Knight Enterprises. Let's watch what's ahead for me.

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