Chapter no. 3

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Luke's POV:

I don't understand why he had called me so urgently, after all, I was in a really important meeting. I went straight to his office and there he was sitting behind his massive desk to display his oppression and looked stressed out due to all of his paperwork scatter on his desk. When he notices me entering, he sat straight and leaned back. "What was that urgent, you called me here from the meeting", I inquired. "She is coming and", he said while averting my gaze. I don't understand what was getting on in his mind. Since I met him, he constantly discusses her and her rejection. " And", I explored. I watch him shuffling in his seat, "and I need you to take her interview that's it", he let out.

I glared at him as he has grown two heads. "Don't glare at me like that, you only have to take her interview", he said while seeing straight into my eyes. "And why you cannot take her interview", I questioned. He was opening his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a phone call. He picked up the call and after muttering okay to the other line, he put the phone down. "She is here, now go I will clarify this to you later, and please open that door", he said. The door to the room where I was going to take her interview. After agreeing with him I stormed out of the room.

I understand it was not my place to take her interview. It was his responsibility to take her interview but he said that it was not the right time for him to come in front of her. I don't know when would be the right time for him. I should just wait to know what he is up to. He is like a brother to me so I can not deny him. He also insisted on opening the door so that he can hear her. After taking her interview, I can not imagine that she was the girl he always talks about. In his words, she was a selfish, rude, greedy and self-centered heart breaker. To me, she didn't seem like that. I know, during her interview his all attention was towards her.

I walked towards his office and there he was standing by the window, watching Olivia walking into the elevator. To me, there was an innocent smile on her face but in his mind, something else was going on. "You know what, I don't think she is the girl you were talking about, she is so naive, I think you misunderstood", I doubted. By the second I said that she is innocent, he began fuming with anger and was struggling to control his anger. I know I should not make him angrier. " She is not innocent, she is manipulating you", he said while clenching his jaw. "Why the hell she would try to manipulate me", I questioned. I don't know what he is up to but what he is thinking is that I am a baby who can be manipulated by women.

" I don't know why she is pretending to be an innocent girl but I will not fall for her tricks, you believe it or not she is just fake", he explained. He is my best friend and he shares all his problems with me. I know he loathes her. she was his first and last love, after encountering his first love, he didn't want to encounter it again. Now she is back and I don't know what he is intending to do with her. After a couple of minutes, the same anger was displaced by an evil smirk. Seeing him smirking, I realize something, firing lily and appointing Olivia as his assistant was all his plan. Thinking about all this, there was just one word that came into my mind came to my mind. Revenge.

"I know what this evil smirk of yours means", I said knowingly. " She broke my heart, she makes me believe things, and then she back away, she crushed my heart into pieces, she hurt me a lot and know it's her turn to get hurt." I know she had hurt him very much taking revenge is not a good thing. He was not like that before, I had spent my childhood with him. He was an innocent, loving boy but what she did to him turned him into a cold, heartless man. He sits on his seat and engaged himself in his paper to avoid my questioning. He is an open book for me but when it came to her, he didn't let me in. He never tells me his true feelings. By seeing his mood I can feel he doesn't want to talk about that topic anymore.

"How is Mia doing", I asked to change the topic. "She is doing great", he replied while leaning back. Mia is his sister, she is studying in Los Angeles. "When she is coming"I asked remembering when she last visited. "Next week", he replied with a bright smile on his face. I can see how happy he was, I am also happy because my sister is coming back. "Did you have any plans for tonight, there is a club opening we should go there", I asked. "I will be free by eight o -clock. done", he replied while thinking for a moment. "So see you at eight", I said and leave his office.



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