Chapter no.2

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Olivia's Pov:

The taxi halted in front of a multistory building. Saying that I am nervous is not a lie because I am nervous. Entering the building through the glass doors, I began adoring its elegance. As elegant it looks from the outside, It is more elegant from the inside. Wooden floor, gray walls, it all looks magnificent. I hope I get this job.
A receptionist was sitting behind a large wooden desk, her face cakes up with makeup. I strolled towards her and with a lovely smile I announced, "Good Morning, I am Olivia James, I am here for the interview, will you please guide me." She eyed me from head to toe and I know what she is thinking about me. What the hell she is wearing?  It's true, I can see that from her face but I didn't take such stuff seriously. After checking me for good five minutes, "for the interview huh, go to the twenty-fifth floor", she said with a frown on her face. 

She dislikes me now but I didn't even do anything to her. I don't know what I had done to receive so much hate, Nah you deserve all this Olivia. Once I was like her, a bitch, who didn't even think once before smashing someone's heart. My mother died because of me. My father is in the hospital because of me. I didn't even deserve happiness. I had hurt many and now it's my turn to get hurt.

After giving a little smile to the receptionist, I strolled towards the elevator, where a girl was already waiting. "Good morning", I welcomed her with a smile, "are you also here for the interview", I asked. "Good morning, I am not here for the interview, I was the previous assistant of Mr. Knight and I am here to collect my things", she told. "Mind telling me why did you leave the job", I asked because if she liked working here what was the point of leaving. "I like working here and didn't want to leave this job, but yesterday Mr. Knight called me and said you are fired", she explained with a sad expression.

I don't understand how a person can be so cruel who didn't think about other emotions. You are forgetting something, he must be cruel but you are not something less. " Why so suddenly" I doubted. "I don't know that much but I heard that he was finding a new assistant", she told me. What is the purpose of finding a new assistant while he already has a decent one?"You were saying that you were here for the interview", she asked. If I am here for the interview for an assistant job, I feel sorry for her. "Yeah I am here for the interview", I replied politely. "Best of luck then", she said with a big smile on her face. "Thanks", I said. "Wanna drink a coffee with me, after your interview, in the cafeteria", she asked with hope. She is very nice to me. I can't say no to her. "Sure why not", I replied. "What's your name by the way", I asked. "Lily Rogers, what's yours", she replied. "I am Olivia James." "See you at the cafeteria then Olivia," she said before walking out of the elevator.

As she left, I walked out of the elevator, as I don't know where to go, I started wandering around. In front was a large room with large windows. A person standing outside can't see inside through the window but the person standing inside can see outside through the window. On the top of the door, it was written Mr. Knight so I can guess that it is the boss's office. In front of the office was a small office, I think it was for the assistant. I was wandering around and didn't even see someone coming and bump into him.

He was very good-looking with jet black hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a black tuxedo. "I am sorry, I didn't see you coming", I apologized. "Don't apologize, I didn't see you coming, are you Olivia James", he questioned. "Yeah, I am", I answered. "I am Lucas Style, I am here for your interview, come with me", he told me. He is nice I thought to myself. I started walking behind him, He takes me to the room next to the boss's office, I think so it was his office, there was a door which connects this office to the boss's office and the door was open.

"So, miss Olivia why did you want this job", he asked me. I will not lie, I will tell him the truth. "I need this job because I require money, if you give me this job I will be loyal to you and I will try my best to not disappoint you", I answer honestly. "Where did you work before arriving here and why did you leave that place", he asked while glancing towards the open door. I don't know who was there but I didn't even care. "Before arriving here I worked at Stevenson Enterprises and I left because the boss harassed me", I answered him. He was again glancing towards the open door. After a minute, he glanced at me and said, "you got the job, you are appointed as the boss assistant so you will begin the job from Monday morning and be on the time", he clarified. A very big smile plastered on my face, there were no words through which I can describe how happy I was. " Thank you very much Mr. Style", I said.

Anybody can see how happy I was. "My pleasure, and please call me Luke", he retorted. "Thank you, s Luke, may I take my leave", I asked. I will be late if I didn't go now, first I have to meet Lily and then to the hospital. " Yeah sure, other details would be sent to you by tomorrow, see you then", he told. "Thanks, Luke, I will be leaving then", I said and stand up and left the room. Emma and dad would be very glad. Now I have to go to the cafeteria. Possibly I would meet Grayson there. While I was inside the elevator, I hear shouting coming from the boss's office. I can't make out what was going on inside. The elevator turns on, I press the button for the 10th floor. I don't care what happens there, I am just here for the job.

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