Chapter 6

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By the time I arrived home, I was exhausted

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By the time I arrived home, I was exhausted.

My feet ached because I wore such high heels. My arms felt like they would fall off. I felt lightheaded. Maybe because I wasn't used to dancing so much like I did that night.

Caelum texted me that something came up, so he left after I came home.

I slumped onto my couch and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. Kimela, however, jumped onto me and basically forced me to make dinner. At that moment, I vowed to never again have sympathy for my boss and never go to one of his "meetings".

I only got a couple hours of sleep before my alarm blared in my ear, forcing me to wake up for another grueling day at work. I contemplated on whether my sanity was worth it for a good paycheck.


So, I put on my best smile, followed Mr. Verlice's instructions for the day, and tried my best not to fall asleep—which proved impossible because I later woke up and saw drool on my desk. My drool. And a very angry boss.

"I called you 4 times, Ms. Ross," he calmly said. I knew he was seething inside. "4 times. As my personal assistant, I expect you to be ready and awake. Is the work too hard for you? Should I just find someone who can do it?"

I. Was. Pissed.

I couldn't believe he expected me to be in tip-top shape after 5 hours at a damn party where he spoke to his fancy, rich friends the whole time and only had 4 hours of sleep. How could I be ready when he knew all this and still dropped heavy loads of papers in my hands? I couldn't get a second of rest because he was too busy the whole day talking on the phone with other people and drinking cups of coffee when he didn't even do any work.

My teeth grinded against each other as I stared him down. I couldn't say a thing because he knew I needed this job. Other companies either had enough employees or the pay was too little. This is the only job that had both space and good pay.

He raised an eyebrow, daring me to say something.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking down at my desk. I gave it a death glare, as if it was the source of my problems.

If I could, I would punch him straight in the nose. But, that would probably get me fired, or worse, in jail. You can't afford to mess with the world's richest man.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It looked even more tempting to punch. "Tomorrow you can have the day off. I expect you to come back as you did the first day. Full of energy and ready to work."

Full of energy, my ass.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Now, I need you to organize the files in Storage Room 6," he said, before walking out my door.

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