"So I'm not straight"

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*emira is currently on her way to find amity*

On her way to find her younger sister emira was asking herself a lot of questions,  because she didn't understand what she was currently feeling.
She would ask amity once she found her.

*5 minutes later emira found her*

"Oh hi emira" amity said apon seeing the girl  that happens to be her sister.
"Hi emira!" luz said while getting off the coot she was laying on.

"Hey mittens, hey luz,are you sure you should be getting up?"
Oh yeah I'm fine the healer just told me eda is here to pick me up, cya tommrow amity" luz said  after giving amity a kiss on the cheek with her signature smile and walked away causing the youngest blight to turn a little red.

Expecting to be made fun by her older sibling she prepared a little angry speech, but to her surprise she sall her older sister slowly make her way over to the chair next to her coot and sit down with a perplexed look on her face.

This made amity concerned, it wasn't often her sister really thought about something unless it truly bothered her.
"Emira are you ok" asked amity with concern evident in her voice, this finally got emira out of her thoughts.

"Amity how did you realize you liked girls and not guys, I mean I know that luz helped you figure that out but was there anything else that helped you figure out you were a lesbian?"  If amity handnt noticed emira's earlier behaviour she would've gotten flustered at her older sisters question.


Sorry its short its extremely hard to come up with this stuff but thanks reading and I hope to see you the future! 😁

"I met you in the nurses office" On HaitusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant