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Authors note: Oh mu goodddddd you guys are fucking awesome thank you so much for the 388 reads, 14 votes, and #198 on owlhouse, and #8 on vineyards demure like how.

*mentions of abuse if you can't handle that please leave so you dont relapse!*

"Well It's hard to explain honestly, I guess I realized a while ago I didn't really care for men but when I first
Met luz It's like a new door appeared in my head. As I got to know luz the door slowly opened bigger and bigger. Then I finally realized I liked her and now I'm her girlfriend and its kinda surreal, I hope that helps somewhat em." Amity said while looking away kinda dreamily.

"Yeah kinda I think I've just been noticing more and more that I've been intristeted like all the genders is that.....weird?" Emira said in a quiet questioning voice

"Oh em no that's not weird at all, have you ever thought that you might be a part of the lgbtq+?" Amity said a sweet calming voice

"I mean I have but I haven't heard of  any thing really fits with me." Emira says with a bit of a sigh
"Em search up pansexual on your scroll really quick." Amity says in a determined manner

Moments later after reading the meaning of pansexual

"That actually is exactly what I meant, that's like a dead ringer." Emira says excitedly jumping up from her sitting position

"Uh guys sorry to ruin the moment but father just called me, he says Mother wants us home immediately." Edric said looking a bit frightened, both Amity and Emira Immediately understood and nodded mentally preparing for whatever they're Mother had to say.


convenient time skip to when they                 get to the manor*

The blight children walked in to the living room shakily, "Ah good you're here, edric and mittens you can leave I just need to talk to your sister right now." Odalia said, causing the two who were told they could leave to let go of they're breath but for it to just as quickly stop realizing what that meant for the long haired twin.

"Now that they have left, emira I heard from a little birdie that you are apart of the LGBTQ+ which you know is unacceptable so I have to just remind you what your place is." Odalia said with far to much glee, "But Mother I'm not a part of that villan"- Emira tried to save herself but was cut off abruptly by a strong hand to the face. She fell to the ground due not expecting her mother to do that, she looked up terrified at her mother.


"WAIT MOM NO"-, emira was cut off by a swift kick to the rib cage followed by  several more, and a fast punch to the face till she was coughing up blood. "Now go study, and no food for a week." Odalia says in a sing song tone.
Emira got out of they're as fast as she could which wasn't fast considering how damaged her rib cage was, as soon as she got to her room she closed the door and collapsed.

~next day arriving at school~

Viney  was talking to jerbo as she noticed emira the girl  she met yesterday walk by, and she was gonna wave but then she noticed something that made her pale.

A bruise on the young blights face.

Hey guys I'm so sorry that's it's taken so long for me to post a new chapter I have been so busy, this chapter was 594 words sorry that it's this short.
Also guys I'm thinking about doing a marvel women x fem reader book and i wanted you guys to suggest a character.
Another thing I was thinking about doing a qna so I need you guys to ask some questions.

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