"Let me help"

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"I can't"

Vineys pov:
"Emira I know it's scary but you need to tell me, at the rate your getting these wounds you won't be alive much longer!" I was scared for her and I wanted to help but she didn't say anything she just sat they're shaking.
"Emira please, you need to tell me who did this to you so I can help." We stayed they're in silence until she grabbed her shirt putting it back on and standing up.
"I don't need your help, and even if I did I dought you could." She spat the words with venom, intending for them to hurt and they just made the brown haired girl frown.
"If that's all I'll be getting back to class now." Emira said starring to walk to the door before she could open it she was grabbed firmly but gently by the arm.
"Emira if you don't tell me I'll have to report your wounds to principle bump and he'll do an investigation, please don't make me do that." I looked at her with hope but all I got back was an empty glare, she ripped her arm out of my grip and spoke.
"Who are they gonna believe some weird girl who couldn't choose one track or a blight, you have no proof and no power so leave me alone." Her voice was trying to force a hateful tone but she just sounded sad to me.
What she said made me freeze, I didn't know what to do so she just walked away.

How am I supposed to help someone who doesn't want to be helped?

Emiras pov:
I feel like a complete asshole, I didn't want to say that stuff to her but I had to otherwise I'd be putting her in danger. Of course I want her help but there is no way she'll be able to find away to beat my mother, she's like a cockroach a very powerful and evil cockroach.

I make my way back to class with my mind clouded with thoughts.

*Time skip brought to you buy hot coco 😌*

We arrived at hel- the manor, quickly met with the sight of are mother waiting for us.
I felt a chill run down my spine as I tried to remember if I had done anything wrong.
"Emira dear, I heard you got an hundred on your allusion test today, I'm very proud of you, we got the servants to make your favorite for dinner."
She said it with her usual attitude and looked like she was having a stroke when she tried to smile kindly at me.
I did my best to muster a happy smile, "It was pretty easy I hope they make it more challenging next time, thank you for choosing my favorite meal I appreciate your kindness." It felt disgusting to say, I hate that I have to act perfect because anything less would earn me a beating.
'At least I'm finally getting food', I thought while going to sit at the table.
We all sat there silently eating until my dad cleared his voice.
"Emira I've noticed you've been doing well in school and your Extra curriculers, I just wanted to say I'm very proud of you." He said it with a small smile, a genuine smile.
Mt dad does care about us he's just to busy with work to notice that we're suffering.
"Thanks dad I appreciate it, I promise I'll do even better from here on out." I said with a big smile, well as big as I could manage.

After dinner was done and I done the rest of my homework I prepared for bed.
I had two thoughts lingering in my head.
1. Maybe if I just focus on getting better grades mom will stop hurting me
2. Viney

She was lingering in my head, making me think about how I'm going to handle her going forward.

I'll just avoid her, it's for the best.

Uhhhh hey guys 😅, it's been almost a year since I've updated and well yeah.
I am so sorry about that, I really have no excuse other than I have very bad mental health and I have been dealing with a lot.
I'm so sorry, I still probably won't write consistently but I wanted to update when I still had a little motivation just to update the story and let you guys know I'm not dead.
Thanks to all of you who have stuck around to read this story despite my lack of recurring updates.
Please comment on the chapters, I love reading what you guys have to say and it usually give me a bit of motivation.
I love you guys so much!

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