Entry 3:

53 7 0

"You are such a nerd for Edgar Allen Poe." Luke jokes.

I look at him with slits for eyes and say, chucking a pillow at his head, "Shut up he was a marvelous talent!"

He ducks out of the way of my rocketing pillow. "See, point made, you'll even try to murder me for his pride." He laughs at his own joke.

"You betcha." I turn away to continue reading The Raven by Poe.

"Well, I'd never kill you and stash you away under the floor boards."

"Nice one." I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Anything for you my love." He smirks and I melt into a puddle, seeping into the bed sheets.

I giggle. "Smooth talker."


"Please can we go back." I whined for the hundredth time in the past ten minutes if that's possible.

With a whip around Lana glared at me. "Never." She pronounced with a creepy deep voice.

I sink deeper into the car seat. "I hate you."

Lana rolled her eyes at my antics. "Stop complaining already."

"I hate you." I repeated.

Finally she snapped, "Shut up! I hate you too."

Well that was unexpected.

"Thanks for the honesty, Lana." Why can't I just be happy that she is still trying?

"Anytime. Now let's get this show on the road." She practically cheered.

I watched out the window with distain. The sun was setting, a low glow still peeking over the horizon. The lightly wooded area dissipating the further we drove into town. It wasn't anything fancy, not a small town but not the biggest out there either.

Shuffling in my seat I tried to find a comfortable spot, but that seemed to be impossible in these clothes.

Lana took one look at my leggings and big hoodie and nearly went into cardiac arrest. Saying something about how she couldn't be seen with a hobo or whatnot. I ended up getting my exercise for a month running away from a beast in fashion.

It took a bit but she glamoured me up as much as I would allow. Meaning I kept my black leggings and switched out the hoodie for a off the shoulder white shirt that had enough flow to leave me comfortable. But this leather jacket felt foreign on my skin.

I was stuck in a chair whining and crying out occasionally as the wretched woman plucked at my eyebrows and smeared makeup lightly over my face and lashes. It was so weird to wear makeup again, I haven't since Luke left, no reason to I guess.

"Come on, get excited, Wyatt!" Lana gave a hopeful smile and glance from the driver seat.

A half smile plastered on, "Working on it." She pushed me with on hand on the wheel.

"I promise it will be fun." She said with a gentle grin.

"I bet, I bet." I whispered to no one really as I gaze out the car window to see the sun glimmer away without a goodbye.

"See! Isn't it fun to be out with the living?" Lana shook with giddiness with people on every side of us.

Someone bumps me from behind. Yeah not really, I wish to say.

I scrunched up my face. "I didn't expect to go to a party really." I grumbled loudly to be heard over the music that thrums as if it was a living thing in the air.

"That's the fun about it, it's spontaneous, remember when you used to be like that?" She notices her slight wording problem and reached out for my arm. "I didn't mean for it to come out like-"

I shake my head, arms out stretched. "No it's fine, I'm not the old me and we both know that."

"I'm really sorry, Wyatt." She apologizes again.

I can't seem to stop shaking my head. "It's alright, Lana. Honestly." I try and comfort her as my chest constricts, "You stay here and do your thing. I'm just going to get a few drinks."

Without her reply I spin on my heels and head off to where I think is the bar. I could use a drink.

I wondered through the hordes of bodies, this was just to much. Way to much really. I barely spoke to more than five people in the last six months and now I was swimming in more than I could manage.

I'm not going to lie and say this was the time of my life, but it certainly wasn't the worst of it either that's for sure.

"Finally." I sigh with relief to myself as I mange to find a wooden slab with an array of bottles full of poison.

"Would you choose already, I got girls to dance with." A deep voice interrupts my inner thoughts.

Without turning around I lift up my middle finger. Just to piss him off I take a good handful of seconds dancing my fingers over the tops of bottles in slow motion. With careful thought I snatch a bottle of Jack Danielle's.

I grin wickedly to myself and stand there a moment longer and unscrewed the cap with a twist of the hand. I swished it around and shot it back, the bottle neck feels strong in my hands and cold on my lips, nothing like the burning liquid flowing down my throat to ignite my stomach in flames.

I already felt warmer inside, warmer that I've felt for a long time. I'm always so cold now, I try and justify that's why I'm always wearing Luke's clothes or under blankets. I know that's not true though.

"Rude." The stranger commented blatantly.

I rolled me eyes. "So are you."

And when I turned around, I never thought my life would change in the slightest.


No letter but a little mix up in the writing. Hope you enjoyed.

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