Entry 8:

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I saw him across the street, walking like nothing could touch him. His hair was a bit side swept from the slight breeze that started to pick up and his eyes smiled at everyone that passed.

He smiles at me from the other side of the road and looks both ways before doing a cute and somehow hot jog across the street, his blue shirt lifting up a bit and showing the world a sliver of his golden skin. How is he so tan it's not like we live in the sunniest of places in Jadewood, Northern California?

"Hey what's up Wy?" He asks as he approaches closer.

I smile coyly at him, I could interest him enough to stay around till I get to the bus right? We haven't been the closest of friends since we both started to get our own groups of friends, still we always stayed in contact, just not as inseparable as we used to be.

"Just walking to the bus right now, trying to not walk all five miles to the library."

He chucked at my lame form of words, at least I think that's why he laughed . We always tease each other all the time. Ever since we were little and I moved from Nevada to this town, we've been jokesters, playing silly pranks and correcting the other. Yup, it's been like that since I was five and I found the boy who believed my new trampoline was his to partake in.

"The bus stops a quarter of a mile away, why don't I walk you?" I don't get why he even asked, he was already wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leading the way.

"Yeah, let's ask and not wait for an answer." I reply sarcastically mustering all my soul into faking an annoyed tone and narrowing my silver eyes at him.

Pulling me in closer he says. "Oh you know you were going to say yes, you wouldn't say no to your future husband." He says it in a joking, fun loving way, but his deep blue eyes show no joke. They were serious as could be and I could tell he really meant that statement.

"No, I guess I wouldn't." I look into his eyes when I say it before they go to the stained sidewalk.

"Exactly, Wy." He mutters with a kiss on to the top of my brown locks.

Oh god, my heart is going to explode.

"Yeah whatever you jerk." I smile and give him a loving shove.

He scowls down on me with fake disapproval. "Didn't yo mama teach you not to hit the ones you love." I just laugh with him after that.

"Dude, you're to white to pull of 'yo mama'." He makes some offended- I'm not mean- but an over exaggerated gay mans scoff.

"Hun, I can pull off anything."

And I couldn't stop laughing.

• ~ •

Dear Luke,

This week has been hard especially for some reason, and all I want to do is cave into myself in a dark crevice and wail till my lungs bleed. Not even my horrible habit of smoking a stoke helps release some of the tension that bottles up.

A strange boy has my mind in a twist, I think I told you about him a few days ago, how he followed me around the store and then fled without so much as a trail behind him, no back to watch walk away. I don't really get him, why does he have such an interest in me? I'm not the kind of person that attracts attention anymore. It's sad how much I've changed over the past months, I guess I have no one but myself to blame though.

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