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Observer didn't understand it.He had observed other humans,none of them kept his attention long.There were those lovey-dovey couple he had seen,those people sickened him.The shadow felt a swelling feeling in his heart so he often avoided these couples.

These were his constant observations while watching the so called 'soulmates'.There often was no chemistry, one of the spouses were cheating,or had no intentions of staying for more than one night.Why people bothered with the feeling 'love' drove Observer crazy.It was quite obvious some of these people would never find the one so why did they bothered trying?

Then there were those twenty-somethings down the street.Observer remembered his encounter with those women  all too clearly.He had been watching Maxwell's house when he heard a strange noise over the screeching wind.Being the curious person he was he followed the noise to a house up the street.Entering through a unlocked door Observer heard what he presumed to be a girl singing blasting through a audio system.

He saw the wires went through the whole house and that it was poorly done.Giggling was heard from the end of the hall so he headed that way. Observer's presence was hardly noticed as two women chatted away about some song.Both women wore tanks tops and fluffy pajama pants and seemed to be flipping through magazines.He was about to leave when he heard something that perked his interest.

"So what do ya think of that cutie at the end of the street?" the one who hair's was in a blue towel asked.

'Could they be talking about Maxwell?'Observer thought. *

(A/N for those who know the fandom: I spaced Observer's thoughts because I believe possibly his thinking is lot clearer than what he's actually saying.)

He lean closer to the door as the other spoke.

"You mean Noah?" Observer felt a small ping when he heard the name,"Oh he's so hot.I wonder how he's in bed.."

Observer bit his tongue to keep from laughing. This explains a lot.He's listening to hormonal women.He was walking away when he heard something  that made him snap.

"Oh I bet he's a pathetic mama's boy!"

Observer gritted his teeth as the two continued.He eventually left and later sent Swain to deal with the two pests.

Now he was here.Sitting on the edge of a bed staring at his feet.Deep into his endless thoughts.It's dangerous for him to be like this.He almost got shot thinking about why a certain human intrigued him.Hell,Observer even admitted to 'have quite the fancy of him,'and he doesn't even remember what the Keeper said that means. Again his only answer was,'Be patient my child.It'll all be reveal in time.'

Then he snapped about being called child.That ended up with him being smacked into a wall.It took Deadhead,Swain,and Mr.Scars to pull Observer out of the wall.He was sore for the next week.

Observer only said some of things on those videos because he was ordered to.Since Observer had lost his sense of humanity he had to be told how to act sometimes.Writing on Maxwell however was his idea,not his brightest idea.He thinks he gave some fans a bad idea.Then again he had already done that when he dragged Maxwell out of the bed off camera.He also didn't care what the internet said about him.

A bright flash of light followed by a loud crash made a groan escape from the sleeping form behind him.Observer took off his glasses,cleaning them with his cotton shirt,looking at the sleeping male.He often came to Maxwell's house when he needed alone time.As far as Observer knew he had been the only active,and he emphasized active, member of the Collective besides the keeper that came here.

He stood and pulled the blanket back over the tossing form as he left the room.Closing the door lightly Observer went to explore the house.He had only made it to the entrance when he hearing knocking.The curious side of him told him to go check it out while the rational side argued against it.

The knocking got louder causing Observer's rational side to scream at him to check it.He walked over to the bathroom door,still having a mental argument,and opened the door.


"OhIwishyouhad,becauseIjustlovethosecats...." Observer said sarcastically.*

"SO WHERE'S NOAH?"HABIT said,voice switching tones as it occasionally does.

Observer felt his self twitch as he said," Sleeping.NowgobeforeImakeyouleave."

HABIT smirked as he looked at the shadow.Human eyes stared into white spaces as Observer heard the mattress creak.He had to do something,fast.

"HABITdidyoufeedyourcats?" he asked.

HABIT's eyes widen as he disappeared back through the door.When Observer opened the door again and HABIT was gone.

"ThanktheKeeper," he sighed hiding beside the door.

Maxwell's door opened and the said human trudged towards the kitchen.As soon as the word kitchen came into his mind Observer's stomach growled.Observer cussed under breath when the sound of footsteps stopped.If he had been a little smarter he wouldn't have use a majority of his energy to keep the Keeper from discovering his location.Observer closed his eyes as the footsteps came back towards him.


Hello! So a couple of notes who don't know the fandom.

One: Observer has talked like this in the TribeTwelve series.

Two: I will try to keep translations for those can't read his speech.

Three: I will try to keep him as quiet as possible.

1: Oh I wish you had,because I just love those cats....

2:  HABIT did you feed your cats?

3 : Sleeping.Now go before I make you leave.

4: Thank the Keeper.

This is Way_too_shy signing out!

Till next time!

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