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Oh and me this chapter fought....


Bright morning sunlight poured into the room,long ago waking Observer. He laid there,still trapped by Maxwell's grip, and stared at the ceiling. It wouldn't bother him still being in the embrace,if he weren't hungry.

He considered waking Maxwell up,but the human looked like he really needed the sleep. Observer wondered if he managed to replace a pillow would Maxwell continue to slumber. He mentally shrugged,it was worth a shot. Moving slowly,as not to disturb Maxwell,the shadow gingerly picked up a pillow.

He wiggled down ward,pulling the pillow with him. Finally when he was out the pillow was where he laid. This called for some victory breakfast. Observer snuck out of the room and towards the kitchen.

As if agreeing with the plans his stomach growled. The search for easy food,such as cereal or hot pockets,was not a quiet one. Observer would cringe a little each time he shut a cupboard door too loud, glance down the hall,and continue with his search if he saw no signs of Maxwell.

A triumph anthem played in his mind upon finding small oatmeal packets. Add water,heat up in microwave, it was simple enough. Observer pondered as he fixed the 'meal'. Why hadn't he seen any of the other Collective members?

Unknown to him was that the answer was pretty obvious.

He grabbed the hot bowl with towels and sat down at the bar. Besides the awkward silence,this was one of the better morning wake ups the male had. He grinned a little,seeing that for the first time in months he didn't have to fix everyone else breakfast. Truth was he was a decent cook,he just didn't like having to do it for multiple other people.

Observer glanced at the hall. How was he going to get away with this one? Staying out for most of the night was one thing,but being gone all night was another. Deadhead was never let him hear the end of it.

Eyebrows furrowing, thoughts about the last few days came to him. Was it just him or was Deadhead trying to mosey up closer to Mr. Scars? He scoffed,now he was just being ridiculous. Sure Deadhead did do a lot things Mr.Scars asked him to,sure he fixed meals,sure he look after-

The thought was never finished because Observer moved the bowl and began banging his head against the counter top. It was so obvious. How had he not caught on before?

Maybe the others was just in the dark about this as he was. Even then that was a big maybe. Cursor probably figured it out,she was always nosy. Always had to be in control....

Another reason Observer didn't care for her. She was also so closed minded she couldn't phantom the idea of Maxwell embracing Observer. Cursor would probably murder him the first chance she got. A shiver went down his back,that woman could be ruthless, merciless, and manipulative.

Wait....Was that what she was trying to do a few days ago? Try and manipulate him out of seeing Maxwell? Well he had some news for her, it wouldn't work.

"Why'd you leave?" a sleepy voice grumbled.

Observer nearly jumped out of his seat,but the mass behind him prevented that. He looked back at the exhausted face staring back with a burning look in his eyes. So many questions must bubble and pop in that mind....

The shadow tilted his head towards the oatmeal. This was one morning his tongue was not to be trusted,not even a little bit. Maxwell nodded sleepily and laid his head on Observer's shoulder.

"What'reyoudoing?" Observer asked.

"Sleeping," came Maxwell's muffled reply.


Maxwell nodded. Observer had to clench his nails into his skin to keep from twitching. He tried his best to ignore the male resting on his shoulder and eat his breakfast. The spoon didn't make it to his mouth when he saw Habit. The entity was mouthing something and giving him a thumbs up.

Observer hid his face in his hands. Why was he surrounded by idiots?

Sensing something was wrong Maxwell looked up. His questioning eyes stared up at Observer. He smiled at the human,who eyebrows furrowed. The dark eyes now looked at accusingly making something in the shadow's chest twist. Shoving the feeling down in his box of secrets,Observer continued to eat like nothing had occurred.

Thoughts about this new emotion floated in his mind though. It clawed for his attention,screaming 'Hey!Look at me! I made your chest hurt!'

Like there wasn't enough to worry about....

"Observer,I have a question," Maxwell approached.

Observer looked down at him with a brow raised.

"Do ....the others know you were here?"

It was Observer's turn to glare accusingly at Maxwell. There was another question buzzing in that brain. Not that he didn't blame him. He was practically part time leader of the group trying to torment the human for some journal.

The voiced question was pretty simple. The Collective never knew where he went,with the exception of Firebrand. Nor did they want to know. If they did know Observer didn't know and didn't care.

Didn't. His mind filled with worry. How careful had he been to hide his steps? Suddenly the visit with Cursor seemed more ominous. This wasn't good,if she already knew who else knew?

How will the Operator react? Observer was positive it wouldn't be good if he found out. He could end up somewhere over in Russia.

"You okay?" Maxwell asked.

Observer made the 'so-so' gesture.

"Mind filling me in?" came the seemingly innocent question.

He glanced at the dark hair human. He shook his head after a moment's thought. It would be best to keep his mouth shut.

"Why not?"

Observer shrugged.

"Do you even feel like talking?" Maxwell inquired softly.

He shook his head. If he spoke too many questions would flow out,revealing too much. That or it would point fingers without physical evidence to validate his claims. It's bad enough he was sneaking out frequently.

After all there are some things best kept in the dark.


*screams into a million pillows*

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