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Now he didn't watch his servants often but this was an exception. He had notice some rather odd behavior when he dropped by unannounced. It wasn't just Observer,it was also Deadhead.The Keeper drummed his fingers on the wooden arm rest as he watched the events in the swirling mist.

Cursor was up to something, the Keeper knew that.What she was up to wasn't clear at first but the ancient being was able to decipher the puzzle known as Cursor's mind. Leaning back into his chair the Keeper tried to locate the exact date that Observer's behavior had began to change.He sighed and swiped his hand down the timeline of mist.

The dark,windowless room was the perfect place to check when things started changing. No light to distort the memories of the past, no annoying bugs to crawl over him, and no way in or out unless he teleported. The Keeper recalled the last time a spider made it's way into the room. He was still completely ashamed that he screamed like a human child upon seeing the eight legged creature.

"This might take longer than I anticipated," the Keeper silently muttered.

He scrolled further down the timeline in hopes of noticing anything. The snow white being scowled and was about to five up when he started to think about this differently.If Cursor was able to notice the change why isn't he? Perhaps it would be wiser to view this from someone else's perspective.

The Keeper waves his hand and the mist disappeared.Now,who would notice this before anyone else? There's Mr.Scars but he's not close enough to notice such a change.Then there's Deadhead,Swian,and finally  Cursor,but she only notices recently.Is he forgetting anyone?

"Oh wait,the bloody traitor..." the tall being grumbled.

It wasn't the Keeper's best interest to review the only accessible memories of Firebrand but in order to get to the bottom of this he has to. He put his head in hand as he waved his other.The mist swirled on the floor before forming a new timeline.The mist rose and the room was transformed as the memory began.


*The memory in Firebrand's third person P.O.V*

Observer shifted in his seat as he watched the TV.Some movie called 'Nightmare on Elm Street' was on and Firebrand was munching on some potato chips.This was almost a daily thing for them.Just turn it to the movie channels and watch in silence. There was those movies they would talk about the flaws and how stupid it was.If they weren't Collective members they could've made good moive critics.

Firebrand crossed his legs over the armrest as the movie ended.He saw Observer reach for the remote and smiled.He snatched it up and laughed when the shorter shadow glared at him.

"What?You picked the last movie!" Firebrand snickered.

"That'salie.Youpickedthelastone," Observer argued.

Firebrand shrugged and tossed the remote over to Observer,whom caught with ease.He looked at the male with amusement.His friend was always so quick to the defense and to argue. He was also blunt,that's what Firebrand liked most about his friend.At times he forgot Observer wasn't use to figurative language so there would be the occasional brawl.Firebrand must've been staring because Observer looked at him with a quizzical look.

"Just thinking," he answered the unspoken question.

Observer's head made a movement that suggested he had rolled his eyes. The shadow flipped the channel and disappeared into the fuzzy zebra pattern blanket.Firebrand shook his head when he heard the familiar opening scene of 'The Adam's Family'.

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