Zombie Apocalypse Deku (Origin Story)

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Requested by @JamestheChopper! It didn't include many details, so this may not be how you envisioned it, but I hope you enjoy nevertheless!

TW: D3ath, Bl00d, $uic1de Baiting and $uic1d^l thoughts

Type: Origin Story

Also, some bullet points about this universe!

-Quirks never developed, and most of the characters have normally colored hair (Some people dye or bleach theirs. As an example, Deku has black hair instead of green, but Mina dyes her hair pink)

-Heroes are replaced with actors/singers/etc.

-UA is popular because of how many people who went there go on to become famous

-Midoriya was still bullied for being a 'weak nerd,' and Shinso was still judged because of how creepy he seemed. 

Okay, now onto the actual chapter!

It had been several months since it had started. Deku should be in high school right now. His biggest worries should just be about making friends and if his crush liked him back, not whether or not he would live to see the next sunrise. 

The first day the zombies came was the same day a new singer, called Mt. Lady, had hit the stage. With her upbeat and inspiring attitude, she was sure to quickly become a crowd favorite. The danger didn't come until late afternoon. Deku was being the laughingstock of his class again. This time, Bakugou even went as far as to tell him that with how much of a burden he was, taking a swan dive off of a roof would be more helpful to everyone around him. 

He was walking home when the attacks started. A zombie with sickly green flesh grabbed him and nearly killed him, until All Might, one of if not the most popular actors in Japan, stepped in and saved him. Saying Deku was surprised to see his idol would be a understatement. Izuku was utterly shocked, and even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, asked for the actor's autograph. Although All Might gave it to him, he left soon after, saying how Izuku would be better off finding someone he knew and that this was no time for fanboying. This was serious, and Izuku needed to realize that sooner rather than later. 

Then, Izuku saw a horde of zombies nearly murder his ex-friend/bully, Bakugou. Without thinking, he rushed in and managed to buy Bakugou a few more seconds of time. Again, All Might saved them. While All Might was checking on Bakugou, Izuku decided to run back home and pray his mother was still alive. There was food and water at his house, and if anyone was looking for him, he'd be in a easy spot to find. 

His plans were shattered to pieces when he saw what state his apartment complex and surrounding neighborhood was in. It was overrun by zombies, and Deku knew there was no way he could get in to find his mother. He could only pray she was safe, and focus on his own survival for the time being. 

That was when All Might showed up yet again. He apologized to Midoriya for leaving him behind earlier, and agreed to help him survive the current apocalypse. When Deku asked what happened to Bakugou, All Might explained that he had ran off once All Might turned his back, saying something about how he 'didn't need help from an extra like him.'

For a couple of months, life was as good as life in a zombie apocalypse could get. All Might trained Deku as best he could, and they both managed to save each other's backs a couple of times. They had some sort of father-son relationship, and they both trusted the other with their life. 

Then, one day, a couple of weeks before Deku would've been trying for UA, All Might disappeared on a mission to get food. Deku stayed at their makeshift camp for over a week before giving up and assuming the worst. This took quite a toll on Deku, because as far as he knew, everyone he had ever cared about was dead. He started to consider ending it all, just so he could escape the struggles of his current life. However, Deku pushed through, knowing that killing himself wouldn't be what All Might - or anyone else - wanted him to do.

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