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"mooom i can't anymore" whined a seven year old girl. She was panting from the hard training her mother is putting her through. "(Y/N) you have to eat your vegetables!" said a young looking woman.
The (L/N) family is eating dinner, the parents sat next to each other while the two children were sitting on on opposite side of the table. Everyone has finished their meal expect the young (Y/N) who was still not touching her vegetables.
Said girl took her fork and Touched lightly, like if she was looking if it would bite her anytime. "are you sure it won't kill me?..." asked she.
Her father only laughed at her question while her mother signed but before anyone could answer, her brother took her plate and showed the vegetables down his throat.
No one said anything but stared at satoru with wide eyes. The boy only smiled.
"satoru....your face is turning blue.."
And after this statement the boy started coughing, everyone stood up and ran to the boy, trying to help him. (mother's name) slapped his back, which sounded very hard, but at least his coughing stopped.
She looked him dead in the eye before hugging him and crying not to do that again.
"mom is crazy" whispered (Y/N) to her father, who only responded "so are you". And with this there was screaming in the house.

Well let's say (father's name) got beat up by his seven year old children while his wife just watched. After this little "incident" at dinner the kids were tired and went to change and brush their teeth. Next they went to their room where (father's name) already sat on a chair between their beds, waiting for them. As soon as they saw a book in his hands they were jumping on their beds.
Satoru and (Y/N) love it when their father tells them story's because he doesn't just read them. He makes it interesting with changing his voice or face expression sometimes he even drawings a beard on his face or apply make up.

After telling the story the siblings were fast asleep.
(father's name) was trying not to make any noise when he left the room. He went downstairs just to see his wife cleaning the dishes while humming a melody. She didn't notice her husband behind her till he put his chin on her shoulder. "the kids are asleep" he said in a low tone. I women only nodded and was about to grab another dirty glas but a hand stopped her. It was her husband "let me do the rest and you go rest. You'll need the sleep after all you're gonna have a tough day tomorrow." she didn't argue because what he said was right. "thank you darling" she gave him a quick kiss before drying her hands and going upstairs to their bedroom. (mother's name) really loved her family and was very happy with her life. When the twins were born she and her husband stopped going on missions and search for a not so dangerous job. They wanted to raise their kids different. They should have a peaceful life and should decide on their own what they want.

You see, (mother's name) was invited to her parents. She didn't have any contact with them. She didn't want them to ruin her kids. They don't even know she has children. The invitation arrived one week ago and since then the young mother was stressed. They haven't spoke in 10 years and now they show up just like this?

The (L/N) Clan isn't famous as the hyuga or Uchiha clan but is well known when it comes to information.
Getting information, stealing something or in general doing something in secret is a specialty of the (L/N) Clan.
Being in the shadow isn't that bad. Not everyone hates you or wants to harm you. But for some people of the clan, the shadow was like humiliation for them. They wanted to be noticed...
And who were the ones who had to suffer from it? The children, our future. The (L/N) clan possesses a kekkei genkai wich is called *Kuroyami. The Kuroyami is more like a curse than a blessing. When a woman who possess the Kuroyami gets pregnant, she'll always get twins. But here's the catch. One of the two children will die after giving birth. While the pregnancy doctors can tell which one of the twins will survive. It is mostly the one with better progress. It's completely random. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter.
The child which has died will live as a spirt among their family. And only the ones who possess the Kuroyami will see the death person. So since the (L/N) clan inherits it, everyone of the clan can see their death blood kinship. But the twin who's alive can learn two different techniques.
One: the death sibling can touch things in the alive world
Two: the death sibling can be seen by mortals.
Once you mastered these techniques it won't even cost much Chakra.

Tired, the woman changed into some comfortable clothes and sat on her bed, drowning in her own thoughts.
*'why would they want to see me? I already told them that I won't be the next hire of the clan, so what in the world do they want?'
While the women painted every possible scenario in hier head she didn't notice her husband who entered their room. When he entered, he noticed his wife lost in thoughts.
"(M/N).." No response. This kind of behavior is normal for her. She would overthink some situations a lot. After 19 years of knowing her, (F/N) knew what she needed. Not wanting to scare her, he gently sat down next to her and grabs her tiny hand. "Your thinking about your parents, right?" she only nodded, to tired to speak. She tried to keep her eyes open, fighting against her own body. "honey let's talk about this tomorrow, your to tired for that. You can't even keep your eyes open" he chuckled. Her husband was sure she didn't even listen to him.
So both of them layed down on their shared bed and went to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
English isn't my first language so if I misspell something or wrote something wrong, i would appreciate it if you could tell me.

*Kuroyami i invented it, i think i will make a extra chapter in thee future where I explain it more in detail but hopefully this was enough to understand it simply.
*'these are the thoughts of someone'

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