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As soon as she entered she was met with a horrifying sight.

Dough was all over the place. Dark smoke came from the kitchen. And who was in the middle of it? The twins with their father sitting on the floor, looking at their mother/wife with a shocked expression.

(yeah we're not tanjiro-)

"What happened he-" before (M/N) could finish her question, her lovely husband jumped and ran into the kitchen. A hurtful scream came from the kitchen area. "THE CAKE GOT BURNED!".
Well that explains at least the unpleasant scent. Both children started shouting ''IT WAS ALL DAD'S IDEA!. (M/N) just sweat dropped.

Time skip

After (M/N) made her lovely husband clean the WHOLE house because she wanted to make him suffer, everyone sat at the dinning table. Satoru was sniffing because of the death of his precious cake.

"you were so young.."



"eat before mom is gonna destroy the whole house" said a scared (F/N). The poor man was afraid of his wife. And he doesn't want to clean the house again. The (H/C)-haird girl just ate in silence. She didn't want to be involved with this drama. She'll just be the thier medical help. Satoru turned to his twin. With shaking hands and wet eyes he tried to get words out of his mouth. "N-nee-san help me". If I could I would help you but... MOM WILL LITERALY TRHOW US OF A CLIFF LIKE SHE DID WITH DAD ONCE!
Not even stopping eating she shook her head, signaling her answer was a 'no'.
Now the poor boy was really crying.

After that little incident everyone was just tired.

Satour was tired of crying

(Y/N) was tried of breathing

(M/N) was tried of yelling


(F/N) was done with life itself

Another beautiful time skip because I can

It was middle in the night.
Everyone was sleeping except (Y/N). She hasn't done anything exciting today except 'backing'. Slowly she got out of her bed. Waking up her brother, with whom she shared a room, would just stress her. In her Pj's she headed to the window beside her bed.

Thier room wasn't really big but not either small. Just enough. Both had a desk for themselves with a small Shelf above them. Their beds weren't really different. (Y/N) had a (favorite color) with (favorite pattern) bed sheet and Satoru had a blue one with white stars on it. Both had a lot and I mean a Lot of stuffed animals. They also had a really big teddy bear in the corner of thier room. He was brown and had a red bow on. When it was night he looked really creepy in the corner so the twins always hit scared by him. "in the morning he is really nice but when it's night time he always gets out of the room and hunts for candies!" that's what both told thier parents always.

Slowly she opened the window. The cold night air hit her skin. And as soon as it hit her skin she jumped out of the room. She  just wanted to enjoy the night so why not going out? Nobody said she couldn't, so?

She jumped from roof to roof. The sight of a child in thier Pj's isn't really the first thing you want to see at midnight.

The twins were home schooled. They didn't know why and every time they asked about it thier parents would change the topic. After some time they gave up on asking and just accepted it. But this year everything will change.
They could finally go to public school. And since school would start soon (Y/N) wants to enjoy the not stressful days. Because she heard a lot of negative thing about it. She and her brother found it hard to belive.

When her feet touched the Gras she spread her arms and let herself fall down. Bad choice
(Y/N) rubbed her now red nose and tried not to cry. I thought i would look cool just like protagonist in Mangas!
Cursing herself in her mind she didn't notice a person watching her behind the thick trees. She girl sat in a field not to far away from her home. The moonlight rested onto the small figure whose sitting in the middle of the field, sounded by flowers. She didn't even took notice of how beautiful she must looks right now.

It would've been good for her ego-

As the pain stared to fade she FINALY took a look at her sourundings. The flowers were everywhere! But.. The were surrounding her. They were everywhere but left a space where she sat. As if it was just made for her. Creepy... But pretty.
(Y/N) felt relaxed. The fresh wind hitting against her skin. The sent of flowers filling her nose drills. And the moonlight... It was too perfect.

(Y/N) layed down onto the Gras while spreading her arms and legs. Letting the nature take over her even if it was just a minute or less. Many thoughts crossed her mind. Some were important and some weren't.

How will school be?

What will the future bring?

Will I be able to back a cake in the future?

Why do green apples turn red?

The rest of the night went nice. After some time she went home again and went to sleep with a smile on her lips.
Unbeknownst to her the person who was watching her followed her home and closed the window for her from the outside. They could lock it but it was the least they could do.
Before the misterius figure disappeared they wisperd a "good night" eventought she couldn't her it....

Uhm yeahhh sorry for not updating. 😅
I try to update more again!
Soo who is the person? All I can say is that it isn't obito if you think that. ¬~¬
Also obito will appear when the twins go the first time to school if you want to know that. Okay I think that were enough spoilers. Currently it's 3:38 am so I'm gonna go to sleep now qwq

Have a good day/evening or night everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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