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The next day

It was around 10 am when (M/N) went to her parents house. She and her small family lived more in the woods, far away from the (L/N) district. Now after 10 peaceful years she was standing in front of her parents house, not knowing what will happen. The kids and her husband were still sleeping when she headed out. She left a note in case the kids woke up before their father, telling them not to worry and that she'll be back soon.
Taking a deep breath she walked to the door and knocked.
After a minute or so, her sister opened the door for her. Her older sister stared at her with wide eyes "(M/N)? I are you doing here?". Both women were confused and went into the house. (M/N) explained why she was there and turned out her older sister didn't knew a thing of this meeting. They had a little small talk after all they haven't seen each other in years. But (M/N) doesn't regret her decision for breaking all contact with her family. As they were walking to the garden, because their parents were meeting her there, she looked around the house. Not much changed. It still looked lifeless and boring. They weren't a happy family that's why they don't have many pictures. Yeah some family pictures they have but they weren't made with love, these are just some emotionless pictures with no meaning behind it.
"it was great seeing you again (M/N)... You've grown so much. Maybe we could stay in contact?" the older one asked. "same goes here and im not sure after all what happened. I'll think about, sorry" she answered honestly.
After saying their goodbyes the young women turned to her parents who were sitting next to each other drinking some tea. The air grew thicker and all she could bring out was a cold "Hello". "hello dear, please take a seat" her mother said, she got older but her smile never changed. Her smile was a trap. Behind that wicked smile was a heartless women who only cares about power. L
As she was told she sat down, sitting on the opposite side. Because no one spoke a word (M/N) stared the conversation "you sure don't want to have a small talk so spit it out. What do you want from me" respect is something she didn't have for these two people. It was hurtful enough to address them as her "parents".
"Now my dear don't be so harsh. Let's take this slow, shall we?" her mother was trying to break the tension so (M/N) knew it was important. (M/N) thought her heart stopped from the next words that came from her father, who stayed out till now. "We know you have children. To be exact twins, am i correct?" the married couple noticed how her face went pale. Before she could say something her father continued. "We want to meet th-" "NEVER" (M/N) slammed her hands on the table while looking down at it, trying to hide her furious face. "Im never letting you go near my family! Your not gonna make them suffer as you did with us!". It was hard to control herself. preferably she would scream at them but she tried to stay calm. She was better than them, and would do anything for them to dissappear of her life. (M/N) expected them to argue with her but they didn't. All her father said was "okay". This left her speachless. As the young woman looked up to see her parents faces she again, looked as if she saw a ghost. They were... Smiling?
They would never react like this.
As the pair noticed their daughters reaction, both placed their hands on hers. Her mother began speaking "my dear, we're sorry for what we did and we are proud to see how much you want to protect your family..." "and we're proud of you" her fathers deep voice continued. (M/N) was left speachless. So many thoughts went trough her head.
After so many years they met me only to say this? The never gave us any affection! So why now?! Why now when i had just begun a new life!

But what if they realized what the have done?...

What if they changed?

She tried to convince herself, to see the good in them.
She felt how the warm hands of he parents left hers.
The young mother stood up and headed to the door, wich separated garden and house. Her parents said nothing. She opened the door, looked at her parents a last time and said "just because you apologized doesn't mean you get to see my children. Stay away from us". These were the words she wanted to say years ago
Stay away
But she couldn't. But after saying she went out and closed the door behind her. Seeing no one was around she went to the door to go home. Home to her new family. The one where she was loved.
(M/N) did not look back. She went straight home. Confused is the right word for how she felt right now.

After some time she finally made it home. It was a short conversation between her and her parents but the way till there was long as heck. But that is what she wanted. To live far away from them. As she took out her keys from her pocket she noticed how awfully quite it was. Her husband and kids were all the time really noisy.

Before opening the door a sigh escaped her lips. As she opened the door an unpleasant smell met her nose.
After opening the door she was met with a horrifying sight.

~Obsession~ (Obito Uchiha X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora