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His eyes flickered open, looking at the swirling yellow liquid around him.

It scared him.

Out. Out. He thought. How do I get out.

His panic rose as his head thrashed, hands pushing at the yellow bag he was contained in.

But suddenly—

He was outside the bag.

Looking at his surroundings, the blank walls around him, he looked a transparent spot on the outer wall. He approached it slowly, setting his dully clawed ebony and pearl hands on the see-through barrier and staring outside it.

Where am I?

The only thing he could remember was a material similar to this containing him, and a yellow liquid like in the bag surrounding him.

Gazing outside the transparent material, he saw a black machine go by. Awhile later there was a person in shorts and a green t-shirt walking their four legged creature.

What is that?

He would've continued staring out the window in wonder of the things at human's houses, had he not heard soft sobs coming from somewhere nearby. He flicked his ear in the direction of the sad sound, following it out of the room he was in to the room across the hall.

His eyes fell upon a human, seemingly male, curled tight against themselves, knees to their chest and body trembling slightly. It didn't seem the person knew of his presence, so he closed the door and took slow, careful steps in their direction before kneeling a two or three feet away.

He sat there for a few minutes in silence, watching the other curiously with his tail running back and forth over the soft carpet, before the other noticed him. The other's eyes flicked over his face, back and forth, watching him with what seemed like fear, for only a few seconds before they scrambled backwards into the corner.

"Get away from me!" they exclaimed. "I'm not safe."

"Why not?" he questioned, tilting his head.

The other said something, but he was more focused on the wet streaks that were on the others face. Even though never having seen them before, they still seemed to arise a state of slight panic inside him.

Pain, he thought. They cause pain. They hurt me.

But the panic was replaced by a small flame of agitation as the human's gaze met up with his green and red eyes, a haze of red pressing at his vision, a sense of aggression clouding his mind.

"Ranboo?" the other spoke, forcing him out of his red haze.

"Who. . .?" he questioned, shaking his head to clear the rest of the mental fog.

"You," the other replied. "Your experiment name was Ranboo," they explained.

"So is that my name?"

"I guess so," they answered.

"Ranboo. . ." he whispered softly. "I like that name."

"My name is Nick," the other told Ranboo, visibly calmer.

"Why was there liquid coming out of your eyes?" Ranboo questioned.

Nick stared at Ranboo for a few seconds, thinking of what to say.

Liquid? he thought. Does he not know what tears are?

"What are they called?" Ranboo asked.

"My tears?" Nick asked in response.

"Is that their name?" Ranboo inquired.

"We keep answering questions with questions-" Nick stated, sliding his legs down into a more comfortable position. "We're bad at talking," he said with a light chuckle.

New Life (MCYT AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant