When my mom asks me about BTS

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My mom: So tell me, 'cause I don't really get it, why are you so into BTS specifically? Why are they your favourite group

Me: Well, you see, it's quite simple

*An hour later*

Me: -and the concepts expressed in the 'wings' album really reflected our biggest struggles as citizens of society, also Jimin was just PERFECT during that area (and in every other area, for that matter). Now, if we're comparing that with their 'map of the soul: 7' area-

Mom: NO! That's enough, I'm leaving

Me: But mommm, I was getting to the most important part!

Mom: Okay, fine, what is it?

Me: .......... They're really hot

Mom: -----------Oh my god. I just wasted an hour of my life

Me: One may say you GAINED an hour of BTS knowledg-


Based on a true story, although my mom isn't as scary in real life

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