Chapter 2: Surprise

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As soon as I saw the girl's face, I felt a steaming rush of emotions escalating in my body. My eyes twitched as I stare at the beauty in front of me. Oh no I'm not exaggerating. She truly is beautiful. Wait that's an understatement. She's definitely gorgeous. And stunning. Well, she is, for me. I know that she looks normal to others, not a head turner I guess.But there's some kind of weary, or maybe pain in her eyes. And I felt a familiar feeling, a familiar thug on my chest as I continue to look into her hazel brown eyes. Upon realizing that she's still on the ground, I didn't wait for her to reach into my hand. I kneeled down and held her up because she obviously can't stand on her own feet because for Pete's sake, she's drunk. Or maybe not drunk but I knew she drank at least a couple of shots just by looking at her, and I sure am sensitive to the smell of tequila. Once she's up, she dusted her bottom and awkwardly stood next to me.

"Hey, you alright? Sorry for unwarily knocking you down." I sincerely said. She only gave me a faint smile, and said she's fine and not to worry. She gave me a light nod and went off. When she was like ten steps away, something was just off. I felt unusually heavy. Idk. But I just shrugged it off and went inside the shop.

Luckily, Mr. Cortez, my boss, approved of my sudden leave but in return I'd have to do double shift with no extra pay. It's no biggie though. I can sacrifice anything for Seoul. ❤ I felt ecstatic again after thinking about it. So I rewarded myself with an iced caramel macchiato, of course at my very own CoffeeSmith. I got the corner spot, as usual. Feeling the coziness of the couch, I took out my phone and started dialing my mom's number when suddenly, there was an upcoming call from Mark. I swiped to the right and placed the phone to my left ear. I was in a good mood so I didn't hesitate answering his call.

"Oh? Whut?" I said after taking a sip of my comfort drink.

"Where you at? Let's go shop. You know, you don't wanna run into the streets of Seoul looking for wet wipes, do you?"

"Gross. Shut up, will you Maku? I'm old enough to know that. Anyway, I need more than toiletries man. I need winter clothes! Mehehe." I stuck out my tongue even though I know that he can't see me. Like a fool yeah.

"Ugh. I can sense you sticking out your tongue, idiot. I assume you look so stupid right now? What's the big deal by the way?"

"In case you forgot, I haven't been out of the country sir. It's going to be the first winter of my life. So, if you may excuse me for this moment?" I said bitterly. It's true. I have always envied him for having been able to go to China last year under an international exchange program. I could have gone too if I wasn't too busy with our thesis and a whole load of academic papers. I'm 2 school years ahead of him coz he shifted from Philosophy to Biology so when he had all the time in the world, I was already too engrossed with my acads.

He cleared his throat before saying "I hafta gooo. It's raining bitter gourds." And the line went dead. Thank you very much.

Whatever. We all have our moments anyway. After the call, I told mom that I might be home late since I'll be meeting arrogant Mark. She assured though that he should take me home or else she won't let me stay late. He practically is like a family member already. He even has his own room at home. Mom fancies that jerk that much, I don't even know why. They seemed to have rocked the boat when he first went to our house for a project when we were still in high school. Sometimes, mom would even tell me how she sees Mark as her future son-in-law. Imagine how much I'd whine and cringe every time she talks nonstop 'bout it. I shrugged the crazy thought off coz it's sending chills to my veins. Good thing there's baby caramel machiato to calm me down. I was staring too long at my phone's screen went I suddenly remembered sending a GM to my girl friends about the exciting news. Ooops, talking about them means me bringing extra pocket money for their pasalubong. I know they'd really ask for anything that's from Korea. And hey I do remember silly Chelle saying that whoever gets into Korea on a winter first shall bring back snow, as a remembrance. I wanted to laugh my ass out but a hearty one was all that I could do.

"Oh someone sure is having a good time." I turned around to see a familiar face grinning at me. I trailed off for a few seconds when I finally realized who I'm looking at.

"Mia!!" I exclaimed so hard that I got off my seat to hug her. This day sure is full of surprises. But wait.

Why... Why is s-she here?

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