Chapter 4: We Were There

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As soon as the cab stopped, I hurried my way to where Mark is. Not like I’m too excited to see him okay? But hey, I just wanna hug him right now. Don’t get me wrong. If not for his skills, we wouldn’t have made it to the first place. Even if Mark and I seem to fight like cats and dogs, I know that we care for each other, at the very least. Fine, I guess there’s no turning back now that I’ve already opened it up. Mark and I have been friends for so long. I believe he’s my closest guy friend. My bestfriend. And.. For the record, he was my first love.


“Hey that was like the best Christmas party I’ve been to!” I exclaimed and the rest of my friends nodded in agreement. We were on our way to the bus stop and we’re just chatting, laughing, teasing each other. We better cherish our last day before holiday break starts. While waiting for the bus, my phone beeped. It was my mom, reminding me of the errand that I needed to do before going home.

“Katie, do you know where this place is?” I showed her my mom’s message.

“Oh, yeah I’ve heard about it. It’s a money remittance center right? What I’m sure is, it’s somewhere in the uptown commercial area but I don’t know where exactly. At least it’s going to be just near your place.” I nodded and scratched my head because I am completely clueless to the shops uptown since we just transferred last week.

I might just go ask people when I arrive at the plaza. I said mentally.

The ride took a little longer than expected and since I was too engrossed looking outside the window coz I’m trying to familiarize the new place, I soon realized that all of them have gotten out of the bus already. My stop was the next so I prepared myself. I really hope I won’t get lost. I got out of the bus as soon as it arrived at the plaza. I started walking, taking slow steps to nowhere in particular. I was busily looking for the shop until some creep startled me from behind which caused me to shriek and drop the bag that has the gifts I got from the party. Being the paranoid that I am, I turned around, ready to punch whoever got me flabbergasted until I saw a snickering guy. When it dawned to me that it was just him, I would have totally punched him. Right after he was done laughing, I sent daggers of stare to him and crossed my arms.

“You seem very happy.” I coldly said and was about to take a step forward when he grabbed my wrist. The physical contact surprised me and before I know it, he gently turned me around to face him. My eyebrows furrowed at the sight of him weakly smiling back at me. A few seconds ago, he was just happily sneering at my reaction and now he’s like a little puppy, eyes staring at me intently.

“Sorry, Jaeni. I was just, I-I just tried surprising you. I only wanted to let you know that I’m behind you but I got you annoyed instead.” He said, half frowning. He looked like he was about to cry even. I turned my gaze to his hand, still gently clinging to my wrist which he let go soon after he realized he was still holding onto it.

“I-It’s alright. I wasn’t really annoyed. Just, a little too startled. I get startled easily. You didn’t have to look like you were about to cry, silly.” I said casually. There was relief in his eyes. I mentally sighed in relief as well. I thought I’d really make him cry. Now I feel bad. He was kind of cute when he was serious. Like a cutie puppy. Damn. I should stop comparing him to a puppy.

“Who ever said I was going to cry over that? And to top it all, cry because I annoyed you? No waaay!” Was what he said and stuck his tongue out soon after. It irked me to hell to get tricked by someone I barely even know. I was too annoyed to realize that he got the bag that I dropped and ran away with it, still making funny faces to my direction. He looked retarded. He would have been hot if he wasn’t a freaking ass. I mean, gosh. It’s Mark. One of the school’s head-turners and a campus crush. He got the girls all under his spell, I mean charm. No wonder the guys learned to hate him. Oh guys suffer from insecurity too. But never was he into a serious relationship though he flirted a damn lot. Such playboy.

So I quickened my pace to catch up until I was just steps behind him. I continued walking while furiously asking him why he’s even here, why he's even talking to me and if he could just give me my bag and leave until he came into a halt and faced me. This got me taken aback as our faces were just a few inches away. I guess I felt my face turn hot for a moment. His face was serious but it wasn’t a stern one.

“We’re here.” He suddenly said with a face flooded with disappointment. I looked around and noticed that we’re already at the place that I’m supposed to go. I totally forgot about that! I mentally facepalmed myself for forgetting and for my behavior. Why would such an acquaintance go this far and lead me the way. Wait, I didn’t even know he was at my bus too. I was completely clueless that he was with us the whole time. Was he really there? I shrugged my mental fight off and turned to him. I awkwardly smiled while my eyes still glued on the ground.

"How come I didn't even get to see you on the bus? And I didn't know that you left with us after the party. H-hey are you stalking me?!" I said nonstop, blushing. Why was I blushing! I heard him scoff afterwards.

"Wow. Aren't you gonna thank me first?" His left eyebrow raised while his arms are crossed. I cleared my throat and faked a smile. I was pretty embarassed so I really didn't know what to do. I swallowed the lump on my throat as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"T-thank you.. F-for showing me the way. I would have been lost." I said, feeling shy before this gorgeous guy. I'm not usually shy. I pretty have a strong personality. But.. Mark. He's a jerk but he's nice enough in some ways, maybe. He smirked at my gratitude and gave me my bag. I came back to my senses and took it. I was about to thank him again and leave for the errand that I needed to do when he suddenly spoke.

"Uhm. There's a new arcade on the next block. I heard it's pretty cool. You might want to check it out....with me." And for the first time, he flashed me a full genuine smile. I was lost at that moment coz I remembered how the girls would talk about his rare yet captivating smile. And now he just gave it to me. I felt my cheeks blushing again. Good thing I easily recovered from it when I accepted his invitation. Then that's it. Since then, we started hanging out, doing crazy and childish stuff together. We got closer through games, movies, teasing people (lol), and food. Yeah we did eat a lot. There are too many to mention. But that's where it all began.

End of flashback

When I emphasized the word was when I talked about him being my first love, well haha. It has a story hidden in it. And I'm not gonna dig it up sooner. My life is dramatic. Heck.

So when I finally spotted him, his back was facing me and I thought of surprising him. I used my ninja moves to get closer without him noticing. I bet I'd win again since he was busily looking at the jackets. I slowly moved and was about to attack him when he turned and got me dumbfounded. I wore this funny face, with my mouth agaped and eyes popped out. He looked at me, no, he stared at me and I couldn't read his expression. Without taking his eyes off me, he reached for his pocket and handed me one of my weaknesses. It was my favorite peanut butter flavored Snickers! Soon after I realized that I was still on my attack mode, I then stood like a fine lady as if nothing happened, cleared my throat and flashed him a beaming smile.

"Cuuute! H-hey than-" I reached for the Snickers but he instantly took it back. WIth my eyes still glued on it, I was shocked with his sudden next move. He tore it open and took a small bite with his eyes closed. He was making weird sounds while chewing my Snickers. T_T Gross.

"Hey!! You don't like that flavor! Give it back!" I yelled at him, eyes on fury. But he took this chance it shut me up by putting the chocolate straight to my mouth. I wanted to protest when he leaned closer which caught me off guard.

"I never said that I don't like it. I only eat and buy the classic one coz I know the peanut butter Snickers is your haven. It has always been for you. It's your flavor." He said as he crinkled his nose and pinched my cheek after. I couldn't even make a comeback coz the almighty Mark just left me there standing, looking as stupid as shit.



Hello! I updated after 3 longs days. Sorry it took quite long. I was about to update last night but damn got busy. Lol. I was actually planning on revealing the other main cast, but let's give some more time for Mark and Jaeni xD but I think it's going to be up in the next chapter. I can't wait for that character too :'> Hihi. Have a blast!

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