CHAPTER SEVEN: the sickness in my mind

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A smile.

Some say that a smile makes everything better.

They say a smile spreads.

But what if the smile is fake?

Simply a mask to hide the pain?

Spreading lies.

Put on a smile to make you happy.

Is that really why people smile?

To feel happy?

Or is happiness a disguise as well?

To some people, a smile represents joy.

And to some, it's a disguise.

How to tell the difference,

Is the smile you wear a honest smile?

Or a broken smile?


60% of people have a broken smile.

60% of people have disguises.

So don't judge by the costume they wear.

You never know just what hides underneath.

The pain that runs in our veins is a disease.

But it's not a thing you can remove.

It's a part of you.

Some people just tend to hide it better than others.

It doesn't mean they're stronger.

The people who let it show, are the real strong ones.

They've hid it for so long, that their disguise breaks, and it seeps out.

I wish mine would break.

But it won't.

Instead of breaking, it expands, and the pain builds up.

I just have no way of letting it out.

It kills me.

It consumes me.

And I don't know how to stop it.

I'm stuck.

I'm trapped in my own mind.

Until next time.

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