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soul: "and the winner of best parent awards in the chaotic collab world..."
soul: "it's VVish!"
VV: "oh, cool" *sips coffee*
Ranboo: "How?"
soul: "i asked the people of wattpad to vote between vvish, dreamXD and phil. vvish won by the way if that wasn't obvious-"
Tubbo: "What the fuck is a Wattpad?"
VV: *spits out coffee*
soul: "... a what?"
Tubbo: "... What?"
soul: "i don't know what you're talking about sir"
Tubbo: "but i don't remember saying anything?"
Ranboo: "You asked 'what a Wattpad is,' sheesh, and I thought my memory is terrible-"
Philza, DreamXD: 'Am I even here?'
VV: *drags soul to a portal that opened*
soul: "bye bye!"
(guess who pulled another memory trick again, :>)

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