~FOUR~ The Promise

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Arabella kneeled at her brother's bedside, taking his hand in her own with hot tears lining her eyes. They tumbled down her rosy cheeks, seeping on the bed sheets like rain as she gazed at his face beneath the soft glow of candlelight. He'd been stripped of his formal attire and dressed in his bed robes, appearing peacefully asleep. Still, Arabella was aware of the ceaseless agony he encountered in his dreams, never to awaken from.

Already, she missed Leofric's smile. The only picture she had of her father was in his gentle grin. Now that Leo was basically gone, her father was officially gone as well, and the realization that she had no family left in her life was gradually rising like the sun. Arabella dropped her head and wept at the thought.

"This is my fault," she whispered. "I'm so sorry, Leo."

The door opened softly behind her, but Arabella felt no energy to lift her head and greet whomever it was. Steps crept near, and she felt a presence hunker next to her and rest their hand atop hers.

Arabella looked up to find Favian; at least, she assumed it was him through her distorted, teary vision. He was dressed in his non-formal robe, his hair let down from the party. He tried his best to smile assuringly at the princess, but she could tell he was near as devastated as she was.

"Forgive me for disturbing you in your time of grief, Your Highness, but it is urgent that we speak now," Favian said gently.

Arabella sniffled and dragged the sleeve of her ball gown across her face. "What is it, Favian?"

"The village is talking, and the people are scared. They wish to know your answer."

Arabella blinked. "Me?"

"Yes, Princess. With the cursed state that the king is in, Asroph looks to you for now. Jedrigg gave you six days to decide what will happen."

Arabella felt as if a rock was crushing her chest. She heaved in a large breath and shakenly released it, but it did not alleviate the burden pressing down on her ribcage.

"I cannot do this, Favian. I am not like my brother. Please, help me," Arabella begged.

"Alas, there is nothing I can do for you, Your Highness. You are Asroph's only hope," Favian said with a frown.

Arabella didn't know the first thing about running a kingdom. Now she was faced with deciding the fate of Asroph. The guilt that it should have been her lying in that bed forever, facing inexplicable nightmares, overcame her, forcing more tears to well up in her eyes. It was all that Goblin, Jedrigg's fault. Had he not stolen the enchanted gem, everything would be as it should.

Then, something clicked in her head—a thought she could never erase.

"Jedrigg will not have what he wants. We will not yield to a Goblin," Arabella stated.

Favian's eyebrows raised. "So, it is a war you want?"

"No. There will be no war," Arabella replied.

She rose from the floor, marching to her bed chamber with a frantic Favian trailing behind.

"I must say that I am confused, Your Highness."

"That Goblin had the charm from the forest. That must be the cause of the sudden dangers rising between Amberhelm and us. Leofric was frightful that something was wrong, and he was correct." Arabella stormed into her room, jolting her handmaiden to her feet. "Nadine, fetch me a pack, please."

"Yes, Milady." The small woman rushed away.

"What in heaven's name are you doing?" Favian demanded.

Princess of Asroph: Journey to Davelher CliffsWhere stories live. Discover now