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"fuck you very very much. cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late so please don't stay in touch"

"don't you dare fucking walk away from me right now!" eddie screamed speed walking out the doors of the school.
"oh really what if i do?" richie said teasing but anger boomed through his voice.
"i can't even believe you right now" eddie scoffed and threw his hands in the air out of frustration, "you are so lucky i haven't killed you yet"
"oh my god i can't with you right now why can't you let me live my life" richie sighed grabbing his bike and getting on it.
"you can't leave school all your stuff is in your locker and it's the middle of the day" eddie says quietly because no matter how mad he is at him he still cares.
"watch me" richie takes off.
eddie stares for a couple of seconds before grabbing his bike and taking off after richie "son a bitch" he mutters before riding off.

*10 minutes earlier*

the losers club sits watching richie sit at a different table chatting and laughing with the new kid. some confused some hurt.
"guys come on it's not that big a deal richie can have other friends" mike says bringing everyone's attention to him except eddie who still glared at richie and his new best bud.
"ye-yeah mikes r-right it's fine f-fo-for richie to have other f-fr-friends" bill said looking around eyes landing on eddie.
they all stare at eddie understanding he can sometimes be dramatic, but he was also the closest friend to richie.
"come on eddie it's not like he completely ditched us we are still friends with him. hey why don't you talk to him next period? dont you guys have science together?" ben said speaking up.
eddie slowly turned around now glaring at ben who's cheeks went red from embarrassment.
"you don't know if he ditched us or not ben. i mean come on we've known him for years and he knows this guy for one day and now they're suddenly buddies." eddie expresses angrily throwing his arms while speaking. the rest of the table glancing at each other understanding where he was coming from.
"well maybe you should go and talk to him he'll probably want to hear from you the most" ben stated
eddie blushed from the comment till finding his anger again.
"fine" eddie huffed getting up and stomping over to richies table. richie noticed eddie when he was almost at their table and a giant smiled appeared on his face till he saw his angered expression and his eyes suddenly widened looking worried.
"hey eds what's wrong?" richie asked in a concerned voice once eddie had reached their table.
"number one do not call me that. number two can i talk to you alone" eddie said glaring at the guy next to richie who held a scared and confused look.
"yeah i mean- sure" richie stammered looking to his left at the boy with honey brown hair. "i'll be right back" richie smiled making the other boy smile before heading off towards the nearest bathroom eddie following closely behind.
once in the bathroom richie checked for anyone then once clear opened the biggest stall and held the door open for both of them letting eddie slip in first.
"ok eds what's up" richie said while locking the door then putting on his original tozier smile.
eddie glared before starting an angry ramble "are you kidding me who the fuck is that you're hanging out with. you think you can ditch the whole losers club after everything we've been through. i can't believe you could just do that to m-us."
richie smile fell and a look of hurt appeared on his face. eddie felt his heart break a little. he didn't want to hurt richie he just wanted to understand.
"eddie. i would never do that do you guys. that fact that you believe i would just ditch all my friends for one person is unbelievable" richie said slowly getting angry.
"well richie it looked like you guys were the best of buddies so that's just what i had to assume."
"i just thought maybe you would talk to me first before assuming shit and getting all mad at me for no reason" both boys raising their voices at this point.
"god i knew you would react this way. you're always so jealous if i ever talk to anyone else and you're so dramatic sometimes" richie said glaring at eddie with anger in his eyes.
eddie tried to hide the hurt on his face.
"i was just worried i was going to lose my best friend. i know the other losers feel the same way. we just don't want to lose you richie" eddie said a sad expressed falling upon his face.
"i just can't do this right now" richie shook his head and walked out of the bathroom. eddie scoffed before walking after him anger coming back in a second.
"don't you dare fucking walk away from me right now!" eddie screamed speed walking out the doors of the school.

*present time*

"richie you need to stop running from your problems" eddie yelled trying to bike faster to catch up with richie.
richie laughed "oh eds you clearly know so much about me" he stated in a sarcastic manner. eddie scowled him from behind.
"talk to me"
richie sighed "you are making this more then it needs to be"
"excuse me you're the one who won't just answer my question" eddie scoffed
"eddie just leave me alone" richie sighed as he pulled into his driveway and hoped off his bike
"no all i want is for you to explain all of this to me" eddie said getting more and more aggravated.
richie abruptly spun around now facing eddie "you want an answer eddie" richie said scolding eddie who slightly nodded in fear.
"i met the guy in first period his name is parker okay? we started talking and we just hit off ok, and it's nice to have a change for once you know. i mean not to say the losers club can get boring but i need change. i'm allowed to change and have new friends ok. we didn't sign a fucking form of friendship where we have to be friends till we die okay."
eddie stared in shock. "so you don't want to be friends with me anymore" eddie whispered in disbelief.
"eddie just go back to school" richie sighed head falling down.
"fuck you" eddie shook his head and started his bike back to school trying not to let the tears fall down his red cheeks.
richie watched eddie ride down his street. he knew he fucked it all up.
all eddie wanted to do was go home and cry into his pillow but he knew his mother would kill him if he missed school. so he just kept biking.
eddie arrived at school not to long after he left. lunch was still going on but he didn't feel like socializing so he just headed to the bathroom.
when the door closed the tears fell. eddie put his hands on his face and cried. he cried and cried not being able to stop. the bell suddenly rang interrupting his crying session. he quickly wiped his tears and walked to the sink splashing his face with water. after drying his face he scurried out of the bathroom and headed towards the science hall. 
eddie sat down at his desk and stared down at his lap. his only friend he had in this class was richie but now richie was gone. in so many ways.
eddie looked over at the empty desk next to him and wonder one thing
how can years of friendship be gone in one day

•so that's the first chapter fhfkdjd let me know what you think. i'm not to confident about it but 🤣

i hate that i love you • reddieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon