Chapter 11: To Shuroo

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Before Seda could say anything, the Loki Variant looked at both Loki and me with furious eyes. "The plan you interrupted was years in the making. Years!"

"Okay, I get it." Loki mentioned.

"As soon as I turn that TemPad back on, Seda and I are going straight back to the TVA to finish what I started." The Loki Variant informed us.

Loki nodded. "Good."

"I'll kill the both of you then." The Loki Variant warned.

"Or I'll kill you." Loki shot back.

I grimaced. This was gonna be a pain in the exhaust port. The Loki Variant was unfazed by his words as she headed for the door with Seda, trailing behind her. Loki furrowed his brows, looking confused. "Where are you going?"

"There's power somewhere on this moon." The Loki Variant explained.

"We'll just need enough to travel through the inter-dimensional time and space." I clarified.

At my words, everyone looked at me, rather baffled. I shrugged. "What, you Lokis aren't the only tech savvy people here."

The Loki Variant let out a scoff at my words before storming out. With that, then we left the abandoned vehicle, making our way across the canyon. Meteorites continuing to fall around us, but we made sure to be careful, avoiding them at all costs. As we followed the Loki Variant, Loki spoke up. "So what's the plan?"

"There's a town near here. And can you shut up? Just because I have to work with you doesn't mean I wanna hear your voice." She shot back.

"All right, well slow down, Variant." Loki rebuked.

"What part of imminent death confuses you? And don't call me Variant." She warned.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not calling some faded photo copy of me, Loki." Loki argued.

"Good. 'Cause that's not who I am anymore. I'm Sylvie now." She informed us.

"You changed your name. Brilliant." Loki retorted.

"It's called an alias." Sylvie corrected.

"It's not very Loki-like." Loki commented.

Sylvie raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?"

"Independence, authority, style." Loki answered.

"So naturally you went to work for the boring oppressive time police." Sylvie mentioned.

"Storm and I don't work for them. We're consultants." Loki countered.

Sylvie scoffed. "You don't know what you want."

"Oh yeah? What about you?" Loki asked. "Your years in the making plan was to tear the place down, create the ultimate power vacuum, and then walk away."

Sylvie merely shrugged. Loki then continued. "I'd never have done that."

"Yeah? Well, I'm not you. Can we get on with this now?" Sylvie inquired, storming away from him.

Loki wore an annoyed look as he let out a sigh. Upon seeing his face, I wanted to cheer him up. So with that in mind, I spoke up. "Don't worry, we'll get out here in no time. Then we'll never have to see them ever again after this."

Loki gave me a small smile. "Your positivity is much appreciated, Storm."

I returned his smile, feeling my heart flutter, which caused me to mentally curse. It wasn't long until we reached the town. There we saw several small and rusty buildings that were abandoned and to the point of falling into tiny pieces. The entire town was abandoned.

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