Chapter 38: The Village

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I could feel a tingly sensation coming from the back of my head. I slowly reached for one of lightsabers that hung around my belt. Once it was within my grasp, I ignited it, revealing the two blood red blades. I then spun around to find myself surrounded by eight women all dressed in silver robes, wearing paint and makeup across their faces, concealing who they were. They held vibroswords, small energy shields in the shape of metal fans, and even double-bladed vibroblades. Immediately, I knew who they are...They're Eshan Warriors, a group of all female Echani fighters. They were trained in the martial arts of our people. They were more powerful than the Echani Protectors. Only the High Protector, the greatest warrior of Eshan was stronger than all of the Eshan warriors combined. I mentally cursed. And I chose to ignite Maul's lightsaber. I doubt they'll believe that I'm not a threat, but it's worth a try. I lowered the lightsaber as I faced the Echani warriors. 

"It's all right. I am not a threat." I assured them.

One of them scoffed. "Your blades would say otherwise, Sith."

"I can assure you that this is a misunderstanding." I urged.

"We will not fall for your tricks, Imperial." A second one retorted. "We will protect this planet and our system, the Six Sisters. We shall die if we have to."

I sighed. "You don't know what you're doing."

They then raised their weapons. I quickly lifted my lightsaber before looking at them. I took in a deep breath before moving into position. I waited until the first Echani lunged towards me, swinging her vibrosword. I rapidly raised the lightsaber, clashing one of the blades against the first Echani's vibrosword. The second Echani then ran towards me, letting out a war cry. Immediately, I extended out one of my hands, reaching out to the Force, pushing back the first Echani. She was thrown back onto the ground. Once the second Echani reached me, she swung her energy shield and vibrosword in unison. I quickly twirled the lightsaber, deflecting her attacks. I then spun around, swinging the blades towards her. She clashed her weapons against my blades. I pushed with all my strength, causing her to stumble back. The second Echani regained her composure, swinging her leg up in the air towards my face. My eyes widened. I hastily dodged in time, missing her blade by centimeters. I crouched, getting on my knees before sliding underneath her. As I whipped my body around, I sliced her leg, where she wore a bit of protection, so the wound could be healed.

The third Echani scurried towards me, lifting her two energy shields. I extended out a hand, focusing on the Force as I slide my right foot back. In a matter of seconds, a gust hurled the third Echani back. The fourth and fifth Echani ran towards me at the same time. The fourth Echani held a energy shield, while the fifth Echani carried a double bladed vibrosword. I swung my lightsaber at the fifth Echani's double bladed vibrosword, pushing back with all my strength. The fourth Echani then intervened, jumping up in the air with her energy field pointed straight towards me. I extended out my right hand. At that moment, blue flames surrounded my hand, blasting the fourth Echani. The fifth Echani stared at me in awe. I watched as she paused, giving me to opportunity to strike, I swung my leg, swiping her legs, knocking her onto the ground with a loud thud. The sixth and seventh Echani warriors came from behind, I quickly spun around, swinging the lightsaber, clashing my weapons against theirs. 

All of seven of them came running back towards me, lifting their weapons. I was no match to fight all of them at once. I raised a hand before curling it into a fist. My fist was submerged in the the energy beams. With all my strength and might, I slammed my fist to the ground, causing it to shake. They were all then thrown back, away from me. All except for one, she was the final and eighth warrior. She took her time, slowly approaching me. I raised Maul's lightsaber up in the air, prepared to attack. 

The eighth Echani remained unfazed, taking out a lightsaber of her own. She ignited the blade, revealing the turquoise blade. My eyes widened, completely taken back. I have only seen that blade color once before. It couldn't be...My mother had disappeared. No one knew where she was. She then lunged towards me. Our blades clashed at once. I used all my strength to push back, but so did she. We struggled against each other, trying to gain the upper hand. I knew I wouldn't get anywhere like this, so I decided to take a risk, which could possibly wound me if not kill me. 

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