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Tommy's pov
Once it completely clicked what just happened i said "anyway I-uhm-I'll be right back" 'calmly' walking outside.once i was outside i quickly fumbled with my phone until it called dadza.

Once he answered i yelled a bunch up explanation of what just happened into the phone."whoa whoa Tommy calm down what happened"he asked as i tried to calm myself.

"I JUST FUCKING CONFESSED TO Y/N AND THEY FUCKING ACCEPTED!"i yelled leaning against a wall to wilburs house."well congrats lad have you told techno or Wilbur yet you know wilbur likes to know when something major happens"he asked.

"No you're the first person i called though i could just walk into wilburs house right now I'm literally right next to his front door"i explained still slightly yelling."GO!go tell your brother I'll tell techno"he said before hanging up.

I went ahead and just threw open wilburs door only to see him and SCHLATT fucking KISSING.wilburs hair was ruffled he also looked pissed off almost like they where having some sort of competition this explains why they've been around each other so much ."AH FUCK MY EYES WHAT THE FUCK OH THATS NOT POGGERS NOT POGGERS!"i yelled covering my eyes.

"TOMMY!WHY WOULD YOU JUST WALK IN WITHOUT KNOCKING"wilbur yelled as i heard schlatt laughing."ARE YOU TWO IDIOTS DONE ANGRILY MAKING OUT!?"i asked scared to uncover my eyes.

"YES NOW WHAT DO YOU NEED IDIOT!?"wilbur yelled.i uncovered my eyes to see schlatt on the floor laughing hysterically and Wilbur leaning against the counter covering his face.

"Y/N FUCKING LIKES ME BACK BUT WHY THE FUCK WHERE YOU FUCKING KISSING SCHLATT!?"i said motioning to the prick laughing on the floor.Wilbur completely ignored my question and yelled "WAIT WHAT!?".

He was shocked."THAT POGGERS!"he yelled as he hugged me."yeah but still....what the fuck is going on between you and schlatt?"i asked still surprised about WILBUR out of all people kissing SCHLATT.

"We where fighting again and he said "i bet you kiss like a virgin middle schooler" so i got pissed off and suddenly we where having a competition"he explained.

"...I'm still telling techno and dadza cause that was absolutely disgusting i mean schlatt out of all people i don't care if you're gay but why schlatt?"i replied.Wilbur flipped me off before looking to the wheezing figure on the ground.

"I hope you suffocate"he said narrowing his eyes at schlatt."why do you two even live together?"i asked."because tubbo thought it would help us get along better"wilbur answered rolling his eyes.

"I mean apparently it's working"i teased snickering."SHUT UP TOMMY OH MY GOD"Wilbur screamed turning red as schlatt laughed harder.

We sat there throwing insults at each other for a while before Wilbur said "IM GONNA TELL Y/N YOU'RE BEING A LITTLE BITCH BOY!"
."NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!"i yelled before the door opened.

"What the fuck is all the yelling about!?"y/n questioned.schlatt let out an honestly concerning wheeze and said "tommy walked in on me and Wilburs competition to see who's the better kisser and acted all dramatic about it before he explained you both like eachother like the middle schoolers you are and they started arguing".

He got up off the ground and held himself up by propping himself against the counter."i mean it started as a competition but this dumbass probably wanted to loose so he could challenge me to a rematch"schlatt joked receiving a swift hit to the head from Wilbur.

"OH FUCK!"Schlatt yelled."Y/N TELL YOUR SIMP TO STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH BOY"Wilbur yelled."i didn't know damion was here"they said.

I gave an almost inaudible growl at the thought of that bitch."oh yeah you had Damien over where'd he go"Wilbur asked tilting his head slightly."hm oh it got late and he went home"they lied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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