Flesh Wound

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The snow lessened and a faint hum and thumping could be heard from somewhere not too far off. She craned her neck to try and look for what could be making such noise, but wasn't able to with the tight grip this man had around her waist. It wasn't too hard for her to come to the realization that wherever the noise was coming from was the factory he'd mentioned earlier. What he made in this factory still eluded her.

Normally, the people who run factories have money, and they dress to impress, but to her, he just looked like he'd gotten dressed out of the reject bin at a second-hand store. He smelled like motor oil, sweat, and something metallic, although she couldn't complain too bad because God knew what she smells like at this point. She was sure that they smell of stale blood, rotting flesh, and just general uncleanliness was what clung to her hair and clothes. The list of things she wouldn't do for a shower was nonexistent.

In fact, she was just thinking about asking him whether or not this factory had running water when he spoke up again, breaking the awkward silence they'd fallen into as she let him take her as his hostage.

"Gonna be honest with you, you smell like shit."

"You try living out in a cave for a month with no running water. See how good you smell," she rolled her eyes, glad that he couldn't see her face.

His shoulder jostled against her stomach as he laughed, "You're certainly a feisty little spitfuck for someone who's been starving to death. Let's just get your ass inside and cleaned up; because when I get done fixing you, you aren't going to be feening for a bath like you are right now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, her heart threatening to choke her as it leapt into her throat.

"The healing process is gonna be pretty fucking uncomfortable," He said and she could almost hear the smirk on his face.

"Can't be anymore uncomfortable than breaking it in the first place." She said, the fear she had coursing through her when she'd first seen him starting to crop up again. She'd allowed herself to become too comfortable around this dangerous mystery man in the silence that had followed their introduction.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," he said, and any amusement his voice had previously held was gone and that scared her more than the thoughts of what he was planning did.

With a wave of his hand, the door in front of him swung open easily on its rusted hinges. His footsteps echoed off the walls as he stomped through the halls, ready to get this experiment on the road. However, he knew that she needed to wash up first. When working on living forms, infection was always something that you needed to look out for; they were much different than working with cadavers, and he didn't want to kill her. At least, not yet.

So, he leaned his hammer against the side of the elevator as they made their way up to his quarters, a sad looking room full of blueprints, journals of scrapped ideas, and a twin sized bedframe and a smaller room off of it that housed a grimy bathtub, a cracked sink basin, and a toilet.

For the first time since he'd began living here, he put the lid to the toilet down so that he could sit her on it while he ran her the bath. Obviously, she was in pain and getting into the bath would be pure agony, but it would be nothing compared to what he had planned. No, this bath, no matter how painful, would look like heaven when he was through "fixing" her. So, to contain his excitement at finally getting to work on another living human form, he busied himself by turning on the water and stopped the drain with a threadbare washcloth that had been hanging from the faucet since his last attempt at a bath earlier this week.

She watched him work with wary eyes. It didn't make any sense to her why he was being so kind to her, if she could really call it that. The threats from earlier and the edge in his voice when he'd last spoken made her think that it was merely him getting her ready for whatever he wanted to use her for. But that was the thing. She couldn't think of a single reason that he'd want her around. He'd said earlier that he had everything he wanted, so how did she play into all of this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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