Chapter 2 - Two-Prelude to War

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Chapter Summary: Aubrey is staying with her Aunt Jessica on her Ranch in Tinnie, New Mexico.
Author's Notes: Hey all! This chapter is short, but sweet!

20 August, 1940
I awoke to the now familiar sounds of El Rancho Vida Nu. The sun was already up in the sky and assuredly, the ranch hands have been up for hours doing their chores.

I arose from my bed and walked to the window. Opening the shutters, I smelled the scent of rain, noticing the black clouds on the horizon. This sort of weather was typical for this time of year. As certainly as the night held a chill, midday would be humid and hot. The mornings were indeed, my favorite part of the day.

I went to my wardrobe and dressed accordingly for my day's planned events. Cole promised to take me to see Blazer's Mill, where Richard Brewer was killed. I marveled the fact that Cole offered to take me to these places, even though he worked on the ranch full time. He looked a lot like Aunt Jessica, obviously, being her grandson and yet he was tall, with dark hair and blue eyes.

I adorned my new cowboy boots that Aunt Jessica bought for me, and followed the aroma of bacon cooking and the scent of fresh coffee into the kitchen.

Seated around the Spanish style kitchen were Aunt Jessica, Chavez and Cole. We greeted each other, and I sat down, in between my Aunt and Chavez.

"So!" Aunt Jessica smiled at me. "What's on your agenda for today?"

"Cole's taking me to see Blazer's Mill." I answered.

Aunt Jessica stood up abruptly. "Why would you want to see that ghastly place?" She inquired.

"Research...remember, Aunt Jessica?" I wondered why she was so upset. I noticed that Chavez just sipped at his coffee. Cole just sat there, staring at his plate of huevos rancheros.

"Oh, yes...your book." She gave a little laugh, putting down her coffee cup.

"Aunt must realize that you are quite the celebrity, and you life is anything but ordinary."

She just laughed, shaking her head. "Celebrity...Ha! I'm a humble cattle rancher. That's all I ever wanted to be...and that's all I am."

"Humble?" Chavez questioned; a huge smile on his face.

Aunt Jessica glared at Chavez. "Drink your damn coffee!" She hissed, over our laughter.

I must have touched a nerve; I could feel the tension in the room. Aunt Jessica quickly dismissed the idea, as if she was reading my mind. " plans are taking me into Roswell today. I have a few cattle purchases to oversee, and a few errands to run." She looked over at Cole. "We're expecting some severe weather here later today. I suggest you be back before the monsoon."

"No need to worry, Grandma." He stated with a mouthful of eggs. "I'll take care of her."

Aunt Jessica closed her eyes, and took a step over to Cole. She suddenly smacked him in the back of the head. The eggs from his mouth were suddenly all over the table. "What did I tell you about calling me Grandma?"

Chavez chuckled. "At least he didn't call you the Sweetheart Shooter!"

Aunt Jessica swore loudly. "Well...I better finish getting ready." She dismissed us with a sour expression, as the three of us were laughing.

Our laughter died, and the mood of the room turned solemn. I turned to Chavez. "What exactly happened at Blazer's Mill?"

Chavez was quiet for a moment, as if he was pondering my question. "Well, Bonita...that was a very long time ago. You have to remember that Jessica was only sixteen...her Father was just recently murdered. We all lost a very good friend that day."

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