Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Chapter Nine Happy Christmas

25 December, 1878
I woke up abruptly, chilled to the bone. Damn Billy for being a blanket-hog! I giggled under my breath, not wanting to wake Billy up yet. I gently pulled some of the blanket away from Billy; then covered myself, and cuddled up to him, feeling warm instantly.

I smiled, thinking that I wouldn't be so cold, if I had something to wear while I slept. 'I want to feel you against me, Jessie. Not some nightgown.' Billy had told me with a devilish smile, tossing it into the wood burning stove about a week ago.

'Billy!' I shouted from the bed, naked. 'What am I going to sleep in now?' I demanded, as he came back into the bed.

'Who said anything about sleep?' He chuckled, grabbing me. 'If you ever wear anything to bed again,' he huskily told me, his warm breath on my neck, 'I'll give you a sound spanking.'

Snuggling even closer to Billy, I felt relaxed for the first time in months. Billy, Charlie and I have been in Fort Sumner for the past two weeks. Pete was surprised, but pleased that Billy brought a Christmas tree for his home. Pete proudly set up the tree in the foyer for everyone to see.

The weather has been pretty bad, with lots of snow and freezing rain. The Maxwell's let the three of us stay in their home, and Pete had told Billy that we could stay as long as we like.

I was a bit surprised that we have stayed this long. Of course, the weather has been terrible, but that also means that no one is crazy enough to look for us during this harsh winter storm.

Billy turned towards me, his face in my neck, and his right arm went around my waist. "Merry Christmas, Jess." He whispered; his eyes still closed as he pulled me close.

I gasped, surprised to find out that he was already aroused this early in the morning. "Happy Christmas, Billy."

"Happy Christmas?" Billy laughed, holding me close. "I'll show ya a happy Christmas, Jessie." He teased, opening his eyes, and looking at me with a smile.

"Billy!" I gasped as he kissed me.

31 December 1878
My thoughts drifted as I realized that tomorrow I would be seventeen. My sixteenth birthday seemed so long ago and far away...

This past Christmas was one that I would never forget. I presented Billy with a Winchester rifle, which he seemed very pleased with. "Thanks Jess! Where'd you get this?" He asked, inspecting it with a trained eye.

"Roswell." I smiled, pleased that he was happy with it. Pete Maxwell had asked me if I wanted to accompany him to Roswell about a week ago. Billy and Charlie were out hunting for the day, so I went with him...Billy didn't even know I was gone.

"Your gift is outside, sweetheart." He said, taking my hand in his.

We approached the barn door. "Close your eyes, Jessie." Billy told me. I closed then, wondering what he was up to. Eyes still closed, he led me inside the barn.

"Open your eyes Jess." He whispered excitedly. I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful brown and white horse standing in front of me. "Bloody hell!" I exclaimed, walking up to him. He seemed to be about a four year old stud.

"I remember you sayin' once that you always wanted a paint." Billy chuckled, watching me pet my new horse. "His name's Pal."

I could feel my eyes water as Pal snorted and sniffed my hand.

"Don't ya like him?" I could hear Billy's voice behind me.

"Yes, I do...thank you, Billy." I turned, and gave Billy a hug, kissing his neck. "I'm just so happy!" I laughed, as a few tears slid down my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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