Chapter 3 -Old Friends and Adversaries

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Chapter Summary: Jessie and Aubrey just found out that Hitler had bombed London.
Author's Notes: There were questions regarding about the Jewish people from WWII. Now, remember...the United States in 1940 was not involved in WWII, and had no idea about the real goings on in the Concentration Camps until the war ended in 1945.

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7 September, 1940
The War had progressed bitterly since that worrisome day in Aunt Jessica's kitchen. But like anything, no matter how big or how important, the separation of direct contact keeps the realization of the matter somewhat distant.

The periodic communication with my family overseas helped to ease my mind. It seemed both Father and Mother were safe for the time being, and volunteered their time at the local military hospital. They were doing their part for the war effort as best as they could.

As for me...I could not help but feel the guilt of not being with my family in their horrific time of need.

Aunt Jessica was more of a realist and would half heartedly scold me when she discovered me sulking. It was on such an occasion that she gave me some sound advice. "Aubrey," she said in her forceful, but caring manner, "You will find something to busy yourself with. I will not allow you to simply mope around. I know things are hard for you right now, but it is adversity that determines one's character. I know you are of stronger stock then you are portraying at the moment." Before I could say anything in my defense, Aunt Jessica leaned over and gave me a big hug. "Cole and I are preparing to go to Roswell to attend a cattle auction today. I think it would benefit your mood if you accompanied us." She started to walk away.

"Aunt Jessica!" I called after her. She stopped and turned towards me.

"Yes, dear?"

"Thank you...and I do apologize."

She smiled at me. "Nonsense, my dear...there are no apologies necessary. Now, go find Cole and tell him you'll be joining us." She turned and walked away. I set off to find Cole with a new attitude.

I found Cole behind one of the many out buildings on the ranch. He and a few other men where practicing with their side arms. Carlos, a young Mexican gentleman just finished setting up six tin cans on the top rail of the corral, and quickly moved away.

Cole stood before the targets in a fighter's stance; his hand spread open inches above his holstered weapon. His face was chiseled stone, his blue eyes radiant. In one fluid motion, quicker than I thought humanly possible, Cole drew and fired his handgun. It seemed like magic...all the cans jumped into the air one after the other and before the last one hit the ground, Cole had holstered his gun once again.

"Bravo!" I applauded. Cole spun around in surprise, and then smiled at me.


I don't know why, but until that moment, I had never realized how handsome Cole actually was. I stood there frozen, looking into his deep soothing blue eyes.

"So...Aubrey, are you up for a challenge?" He asked, walking up to me.

"I...umm...excuse me?"

"Would you like to slap some leather?"

My mind reeled for just a moment. Who did he think he was? "Well...I never!" My hand flew to my chest, shocked at Cole's sudden innuendo.

The smile ran away from Cole's face as the men behind him started to laugh. A look of embarrassment replaced his smile for an instant. "My apologies...I was simply asking if you would like to try your hand at some target shooting."

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