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So I'm typing this at like 12:17 AM. I am utterly bored, and watching skydoesMC is all I have for entertainment anymore. I wanna type about things as I lay in bed.

So I recently got bandicam.


I made a gameshow for youtube.

The pathetic thing is that I don't HAVE a YouTube account.

Anyway the gameshow is called 'Say hi to YouTube' where I get my friends on flockmod and have a drawing contest. It has a series of different topics one for each round. The final boos is going against ME on a subject picked at random.

I also have a thing called FlockPRANKS Where I prank people on flockmod. My pranks vary from fake trolling on art to pretending I'm a schizophrenic who's run out of her medication. It's great. I'm on there as Ender_Wolf, so if you see me shout out!

But what I'm trying to say here is...

I'm hella bored, so someone dial me up if ya wanna FlockMod or record.

Luv u all!

Some random things I feel I should type.Where stories live. Discover now