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Ok heres how its gonna be

Imma rant about the facts of life that are pissing me off and u can do whatevs

Here we go

So theres this thing called 'Flockmod' right? And theres a room called eden that I had a...pretty bad tantrum in. Basically, after being 'forgiven', I had not expected to come back and have everyone be all dandy smiles, but I also didn't expect everyone to hate me.

Im now exagerating, either; going under the false name 'Kamirah' and asking france about me, france said (and I directly quote) "Nobody likes her around. She's a temperful b*tch who just doesn't understand that bad tempers arrn't something you can blame on a medical condition."

I was really angry about that, but today I noticed that she was right. I shouldn't blame being angry over everything on my aspergers. The problem is, I feel like I can't control it.

It feels really difficult to control anything I do anymore. I know something will end badly, but I do it anyway. I don't know why, i'm just really scared and confused to be honest. Maybe im just taking out emotions because I get called insane a lot. I can't help it that my sight and hearing can hear and see more spiritual things than other people. If anyone can come up with a reason for me not having control, that'd be much obliged.


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