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As you may already know, Im taking a small break from wattpad.


Because Im feeling really sad because I kust realized My ex GF commited suicide (probably because of me), My CURRENT GF lives in another state and even if I could ever see her it would have to be in almost 9 to 12 YEARS, which we may never last that long, Also considering I have a crush on a girl from my school WHILE I have a GF, which makes me feel like a horrible person, Everyone thinks im using depression as an excuse to hurt people, Im picking up serious inspmnia, i've gotten 3 death threats in the past month, I feel fat, I feel sick, Sometimes my head hurts and I see static and hear white noise and can't move much, which feels like dying (which is really scary), I'm hallucinating, People call me some sort of monster because all this on my shoulders makes me snap at them, which I just don't WANT to do, and the only friends I HAVE made, AM making and will EVER have are all online, and barely a few of them are really reliable and understand whats going on in my life right now.

So I'm not doin so hot right now. 

Keep sailing, Crew.

~Captain Shippy

Some random things I feel I should type.Where stories live. Discover now