19: Not Enough Lifeboats

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RoseWithThorns joined the conversation.

AndrewsTheCreator joined the conversation.

TheCalDeal joined the conversation.

BukaterMother joined the conversation.

AndrewsTheCreator: So yeah, these are the freakin’ lifeboats. Interested?

TheCalDeal: They’re a waste of space...

RoseWithThorns: there’s so few of them. That makes me somewhat paranoid...

AndrewsTheCreator: Well they’re necessary for a boat TheCalDeal.

RoseWithThorns: But there’s so few!

AndrewsTheCreator: Well, for an unsinkable ship, they’re only here to make people feel safer.

RoseWithThorns: Well it’s not doing a very good job for me. There’s only enough for half the people on board!

BukaterMother: Well Rose, just be thankful that you’re with the better half that’ll make it off this boat if anything happens.

RoseWithThorns: Seriously Mother.....


RoseWithThorns do you with to ACCEPT this SECRET CHAT INVITATION?


RoseWithThorns: Who is this?

BlackJack: It’s me.

RoseWithThorns: Jack, what the hell are you doing? This isn’t a good time.

BlackJack: I just needed to see you baby :)

RoseWithThorns: Jack I can’t talk to you ever again. You  need to stay out of my conversations.

BlackJack: Rose, what about everything we’ve been through?

RoseWithThorns: Look Jack, I’m going to be getting married. I can’t keep doing this with you.

BlackJack: Rose…only I know the real you.

RoseWithThorns: Look…I have to leave Jack. Don’t follow me.

RoseWithThorns left the SECRET CHAT INVITATION.

TheCalDeal: Rose where were you?

RoseWithThorns: I was just zoning out Cal, nothing big.

TheCalDeal: Well Alright.

AndrewsTheCreator left the conversation.

BukaterMother left the conversation.

RoseWithThorns left the conversation.

TheCalDeal left the conversation.

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