27. The Ship is Going to Sink :(

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JollyMolly joined the conversation.

RandomWalkingWorker joined the conversation.

JollyMolly: What’s going on right now?

RandomWalkingWorker: We are trying to figure that out ma’am. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

JollyMolly: No one knows what’s going on! *frustration!*

TheCalDeal joined the conversation.

RoseWithThorns joined the conversation.

BukaterMother joined the conversation.

BukaterMother: Mr. um…RandomWalkingWorker, please turn the heaters back on in our rooms. I want some tea, and I’d like to sit down for a while.

RandomWalkingWorker: Yes ma’am.

RandomWalkingWorker left the conversation.

TheCalDeal: Everyone’s running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

BukaterMother: I know it. It’s ridiculous!

BukaterMother left the conversation.

JollyMolly left the conversation.

AndrewsTheCreator joined the conversation.

RoseWithThorns: Mr. Andrews!

AndrewsTheCreator: Rose?

RoseWithThorns: Mr. Andrews, I saw the iceberg when the ship hit. Please just tell me if it’s really true!

AndrewsTheCreator: …

AndrewsTheCreator: It IS true Rose. The ship is going to sink.

RoseWithThorns: …Damn…

AndrewsTheCreator: Look Rose, you need to get to a boat immediately.

RoseWithThorns: I can do that.

AndrewsTheCreator: Remember what was said about the boats Rose?

RoseWithThorns: Oh my glob!

AndrewsTheCreator: I know.

RoseWithThorns: That’s just not right.

AndrewsTheCreator: I know Rose. But like I said get to a boat.

RoseWithThorns: Will do.

AndrewsTheCreator left the conversation.

TheCalDeal: So uh, what’s going on?

RoseWithThorns: Nothing Cal.

TheCalDeal: Attitude….

RoseWithThorns left the conversation.

TheCalDeal left the conversation.

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